My kids are busy these days.
Between school and the activities after, and well…. Minecraft, they have a lot going on.
I was just thinking how my days of “playdates”, full of tots crawling around my living room and coffee with other moms of little ones are virtually over.
Everybody in this house has a fairly involved schedule. Even the three-year old.
But there are still those moments that I can find with each of them, thankfully.
Of course sometimes they are moments when the oldest has fallen asleep reading a book after getting up in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT the morning before to finish the LEGO set that he received for his birthday.
I wish you could hear the snoring that was going on when I took that photo.
“Sawin’ logs” as they say.
And K loves to roam the neighborhood so that is just what she and I did the other morning.
We set out to go see if the yogurt cup someone had left in our neighbor’s palm tree trunk was still there. She had seen it a few times before and was fascinated by the ants and other bugs crawling all over it.
“Mommy, the spoon is still in it!!”
“Please don’t touch, baby.”
“K, Mommy. I just want to see da ants!”
Unfortunately when we got to the tree the yogurt was finally gone. Well, unfortunately for her. I was pretty glad.
It was okay though, instead we had a nice discussion about how many fairies must live behind this little door.
And she wanted to see if their lantern was working so she got really close, and took it off the nail. But quickly replaced it when I told her they won’t be able to find their way in the evening if she did not put it back.
And then she went up and down the neighbor’s front steps about a bajillion times before we made our way back home…
G is my little artist so I called him to come do some chalk drawing with me in the driveway on Sunday afternoon. He was reluctant at first but then he started making his creations and he forgot about whatever he was doing before.
I love his concentration face.
I drew his name in bubble letters and he thought that was so funny. I remember when my girlfriends and I used to draw our names in bubble letters all the time in our school notebooks.
These are the moments I am trying to burn into my brain. Or at least put here, so I remember them.
My kids are growing up so fast.
Just like yours I bet.
P.S. Don’t forget that this month’s installment of Old School Blogging is still open so please join us and link up!

They are, aren’t they? But here you are, capturing those wonderful, gone-too-fast moments.
Also, I bet your oldest will look (and snore) the same when he falls asleep with a book in 20 years
I can’t get over how fast my children grow – truly takes my breath away.
Rick Riordan is da bomb. My son has read everything he has every written at least twice. Such a great boy’s writer!
I love your pictures so much and I so remember the bubble letters. I love that you are showing your son. Boys should know how to do them too!
It really does happen far too quickly. Love the photos and the fact that you’re capturing these moments. These little things are the ones you will look back on the most in the future.
Oh, see this is why I feel the door shutting on having my babies. You know how I go back and forth all every day about my baby #5? It’s partly because of what you described up there. I can FEEL us moving on. My kids FEEL older and it FEELS like we’re all shifting into a new phase. So much beauty in those photos Elaine
So sweet.
Yeah, they grow up way too fast. I wish pausing time was among my super powers!
He looks so much like his mama!
I love the fairy house! So cute. I always feel like i’m rushing my kids through phases. Like “I can’t wait until they’re this age and will comprehend more,” or “I can’t wait until they’re old enough that we dont’ feel like we’re herding cats.” But I know it’s all bittersweet.
I love these pictures, and the way you’ve captured these little, easily forgotten moments.
I love these pictures, and the way you’ve captured these little, easily forgotten moments.
I feel the same way a lot of days. Especially when I notice how much older Jack seems than just a few months or weeks ago. Your pictures capture the little moments so nicely.
It’s like you blink and they’re suddenly different kids than you had before. I try to remind myself that we’re really not *that* busy now. That’s it’s going to get a whole lot crazier pretty soon. You’ll be happy you have these memories preserved.
Oh I just love this. It is so important to take a step back and just watch once in a while. And you do it so well. You are so good at capturing these moments. LOVE this.
I love these stolen moments. Love them.
Your kids are so cute! But of course they are – you’re adorable. There’s nothing I love more than parents who appreciate their kids and celebrate them. Love.
Yes bubble letters were totally the way to write your name in elementary school. We would even write our names that way in the pencil ledge on our desks- shh! Love the picture with you and your saw drawing chalk and your daughter on the stairs. Great post.
So glad you captured the moments! They do grow way too quickly.
That fairy door? Pretty freaking awesome.