Still “Miss Elaine-ous”…

Our good friends are coming in from Texas for Thanksgiving.  They arrive Tuesday evening.  They have two boys, ages 8 and 3.  It’s going to be a crazy, fun, loud 5 days.

I ran 9 miles on Saturday morning in about an hour and 35 minutes (woot!)  I ran from my house to a shopping center that has one of the best breakfast joints in town.  Just FYI:  BAD idea to put the half-way point of a long run within the bacon/egg/french toast wafting area of one of the best breakfast joints in town.

We bought a new sectional for the living room and rearranged some other furniture in the room and I absolutely love it now.  We are already fighting over who gets to sit in the corner “spot” on the sectional. And when I say “we” I mean ALL of us, including the 2-year old!  😉

I cannot WAIT for the meal on Thursday.  Oh and the pie.  Pie is so awesome.

Last Tuesday we went to the local science museum with some friends to see the Dinosaur exhibit they currently have on display.  K loved it, especially this one room with a scene of what many of the smaller creatures back then may have looked like.  She walked around the entire time saying “Dat is coooool!” Wish I had taken a video!

I took some maternity photos for a friend this weekend and I got some nice shots.  She’s very photogenic and we included her adorable boys in some of the pics as well, so it was just a beauty-fest.  Plus, we took them right in her neighbor’s gorgeous backyard.  I just love that. 🙂

While I’m typing this there is football on my t.v.  I think I’ve left it on because my husband is at work (again) and it kinda makes me feel like he is still her if football is on.

I LOVE Siri on my new phone and just the voice recognition stuff in general.  I can “text” and “tweet” just by talking.  It is SO awesome.  And Siri can find phone numbers lickity-split.  She’s cool like that.

I’m going to have a really hard time choosing a Christmas card design this year.  There are SO many cute ones our there, OHMYGOSH!

And now, just a few things I am Thankful for….

My beautiful family, both immediate and extended.

Food on our table.

Healthy children.

Good friends.

This space and all the wonderful people I know and have met because of it. 🙂

Christmas card pic outtake… one of MANY…

I hope you all have a blessed and yummy holiday with those you love and cherish.

p.s. You can still enter my giveaway HERE.

p.p.s. No Miss Elaine-ous Monday today, I’m taking a little blogging break this week…



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