This weekend was quite busy with two (three if you count dinner out for me) birthday parties. I also planted flowers out front and Tim did all the laundry and started cleaning house in preparation for my parents coming this next weekend to help us celebrate The B Man’s 7th birthday (what?? You still clean when your parents come to visit, right?). Also, I think I’m having a MUCH harder time with him turning 7 than me turning 36. Seriously.
I had Tim take some pics of me and the kids Saturday in front of the beautiful azaleas.
This was about the only ONE that turned out decent and he took about twenty. But I kinda like how Little G looks like he’d rather be ANYWHERE but there… And K is about to run off (trust me). And The B Man is off soon to bend it like Beckham! 😉
These azalea bushes are between our house and the neighbors and they are just SO gorgeous! Outfit details for me and K below…
Hope everyone had a great weekend! We (especially me!) enjoyed lots of cake, time with friends and family time too. Saturday was a gorgeous day in many ways and it was so great to hear from so many friends on Facebook and twitter and here too.
Now I’m off to finish the final preparations for Ben’s “iron man” party this coming weekend. Anyone know how to “naturally” color red velvet cupcakes?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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