This weekend was quite busy with two (three if you count dinner out for me) birthday parties. I also planted flowers out front and Tim did all the laundry and started cleaning house in preparation for my parents coming this next weekend to help us celebrate The B Man’s 7th birthday (what?? You still clean when your parents come to visit, right?). Also, I think I’m having a MUCH harder time with him turning 7 than me turning 36. Seriously.
I had Tim take some pics of me and the kids Saturday in front of the beautiful azaleas.
This was about the only ONE that turned out decent and he took about twenty. But I kinda like how Little G looks like he’d rather be ANYWHERE but there… And K is about to run off (trust me). And The B Man is off soon to bend it like Beckham!
These azalea bushes are between our house and the neighbors and they are just SO gorgeous! Outfit details for me and K below…
Hope everyone had a great weekend! We (especially me!) enjoyed lots of cake, time with friends and family time too. Saturday was a gorgeous day in many ways and it was so great to hear from so many friends on Facebook and twitter and here too.
Now I’m off to finish the final preparations for Ben’s “iron man” party this coming weekend. Anyone know how to “naturally” color red velvet cupcakes?

Gorgeous as usual.
As for naturally colouring red velvet? I’d say seedless raspberry jam – or you could boil, mash and strain fresh/frozen raspberries.
Sounds like a lovely weekend!
Those are great pics! The flowers are so amazing. I can’t wait to start seeing some flowers around here.
Glad you had such a fabulous birthday weekend!
Gourgeuos mommy out there!
visiting from MMM! Happy monday mommy!
My MMM entry
Shengkay Random Nest
Shengkay’s Journal
One beautiful mommy
Visiting for MMM!
I might totally plant flowers if David did the laundry. But as he already does the floors, the dishes and half he cooking I think I’m sol
love the flowers…and the 2 beauties standing in front of it! Hope you had a great birthday weekend!
Precious moments, kids will surely love to look at these pictures when they are grown up already. Happy birthday!
Mommy & Me at my page, have a lovely day!
I couldn’t agree more, you had a very beautiful azalea and that azalea bushes is so astounding
Gorgeous! But you knew that.
Hiya friend! I haven’t been around much lately, but I wanted to pop by and say HI!! I decided to take a little break from the blogging thing…and then I surprised myself by not really missing it! Now I’m not sure I want to go back to it. :oP But while I haven’t been commenting, I have been reading and loving as always. HAPPY birthday to you my friend, congrats on all your awesome weight loss (wow!!!), the kids are cute as ever, and I have really been digging your superb writing. You tell a great story! Oh, and I would say how amazing you’re looking, but I wouldn’t want to give you a big head after all your hard work to make your body smaller. :oP
It’s such a bit of heaven outside there! I envy you those gorgeous azaleas, and you are as lovely as always!
I love the first picture of the four of you against those lovely flowers… though, the sight of those flowers makes me weep with envy!
Those azaleas are gorgeous!!! You look super cute and I love me some James Avery.
Happy belated birthday Elaine. You have your hands full!!
Love the azaleas. Such pretty spring colors.
oh spring time! Cute photos…seriously! you look 10 years younger….your kids are adorable….:) thanks for dropping by my M&MM entry.
i love your top!! you guys look great
I’m so very late this week!
Happy birthday!
And, your outfit looks great…so do you.