I had a small panic attack the other day because I was trying to decide what to do first. I have a lot of “To Do”s. Don’t you?
I like to make lists and write things down and I had started to put everything in my phone and all these alerts were going off and I was not used to looking at the “notes” that I typed in the phone so even though things were “noted” I did not know, you know?
Anyway, my brain already hurt (as does yours probably, after reading the above) and school, plus all the kids’ extra activities had just begun! I needed HELP.
Thankfully, Staples came to the rescue with the Arc notebook and organizing system. I have not used an organizer in a while, just a note pad here and there but I decided that it was probably a good idea to give this thing a try and I LOVE it.
I have a separate tab for each of the fairly important things that I need to keep track of in my life and although I still primarily use my phone for my calendar of events, this notebook is wonderful for notes, keeping passwords handy, coupons, deadlines, etc.
Plus it is small enough to toss in my purse and take with me to the grocery store, the coffee shop while “working” (I have been known to actually get something productive done while sucking down a Grande vanilla latte) or just to have handy while on a phone call, etc.
And it holds my favorite pen.
I think the best part of the notebook system are the separate task pads, with the small, list-making sheets like you see on the top right. They fit into the brads of the notebook but can be moved or taken out whenever. Those babies are a list-makers dream! Great for grocery lists or other reminders.
Staples promotes this as “a customizable notebook system that is organized the way you think”, so of course you can use it the best way for YOU!
Now who wants to win one? Staples is giving one lucky reader an Arc organizing system, which includes a notebook, ruled pages, page flags, task pads, and a 5 pack of tab dividers. Plus an awesome Avant Pro pen, like mine! Enter to win below and get organized my friends. It’s a great feeling!
please make sure I have a way to get in touch with you should you win! Thanks!
*I received one Arc organizing system in exchange for my honest opinions which are of course, all my own.
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I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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