Yesterday we went down to the farm with our playgroup to pick our own strawberries. That is after our lunch at McDonald’s. See, this farm is right smack dab in the middle of our city. But just for a little while you can feel like you are out in the country. Well, until you look up and see all the cars going by…
Buddies and their berries
Windblown Cooper
We had to hunt for them…
And here’s one of me and Little G, taken by my friend Natalie’s camera (because my batteries died!). Thanks girl!
Can you see the wind in our hair – I mean Golly it was windy!! So, we came home and ate a bunch of fresh strawberries and they were so good and sweet. The plan is to go back for blackberries in about a month. Yum!!
Looks like a really fun day.
I need to find a you-pick farm in our area. looks like you guys had a blast!
We just went strawberry picking too!! Going blueberry picking next week!! LOVE THE FRESH FRUIT! And the kids have SO MUCH FUN!
How fun is that?! I seriously need to get some strawberries planted around here, the kids would love it.
That farm is practically across the street from our house. Were there many strawberries left? I’d love to take the boys!
Oh Yum! I have so been craving strawberries. Great photos.
Oh my. . . what a fun day! I can not wait for strawberry season here. We never got to take my oldest last year because the baby was too little at the time. Hopefully we will this year.
stawberries in April? I need to move to Texas? We won’t have any until July at the earliest.
And I have a boy who didn’t like getting dirty. Don’t worry they grow out of it!
Oh I love fresh fruits!!!!
We just went strawberry picking today and I forgot my camera. It was wonderful fun and oh the berries are wonderful
Strawberries already?? I’m so jealous!!!!
Thanks for dropping by! So glad you did! What absolutely gorgeous pics . . . I’m dying for some berries now!
Wow, what an amazing time! Strawberries and greenery, I can hardly wait for summer!
Wow, what an amazing time! Strawberries and greenery, I can hardly wait for summer! really need to tell B-man to “Suck it up and be a man!”
j/k that is funny though that he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty. Good pictures, especially the one from that Natalie lady
Not that I am biased or anything…
how fun and yummy! love the new look of your blog too.
Oh, yummy! Strawberries already? That sounds too good to be true.
Wishing we had some around where we are…….
You have to tell me where this farm is so I can take my monkeys.
Oh, and sorry I couldn’t make it tonight. I’m so disappointed.
How sweet! That looks like fun!