Not much to say tonight except that I am so glad Spring has pretty much arrived! This is my favorite time of the year for many reasons, but most especially for the flowers and blooms and just the abundance of “life” all around. I took a few pictures of the Bradford Pear tree in our front yard the other night because the blooms were just awesome this year. This is the tree that I have a love/hate relationship with because in the spring it is just gorgeous but in the fall it’s a “bear!” Needless to say I am in love right now… It’s like one huge flower!!
Our friends Chandler, Claudia and Ethan (also our Godson) were over on Saturday night and I tried to get a few pictures of the boys playing. They are so cute together and just like their daddies, one is quite taller than the other! I know Ben’s eyes are closed, but I still thought this was the cutest picture. Bribe material for later in life, right?? ENJOY SPRING!!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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