If you follow me on twitter or even good ole FB, you know I’ve started the South Beach diet, as of Monday. And I’m here to tell you, the first couple of days are HARD.
I could have INHALED the entire container of strawberries when I was packing some for The B Man’s lunch on Tuesday (btw, my son has only eaten in the cafeteria ONCE this year and the last day of school is Tuesday, just sayin’)
But, I refrained.
(you can’t have ANY fruit {I LOVE FRUIT} for the first two weeks)
I also have not had ANY chocolate besides a few mini chocolate chips that are allowed in the ricotta cream ‘dessert’ (using that term VERY loosely…).
No juice, no WINE.
NOTHING from the pantry. Everything I have eaten, except for sweetner (which I’m against in most cases, except to help jump-start my weight loss apparently…) has come from the fridge or freezer.
And this super baby gut, it’s disappearing, like FAST. As in 4 lbs. GONE.
Tim has joined me (although there’s a few things he’s had that are ‘off-limits’) and already lost 5 lbs. himself. It’s been 4 days y’all.
This stuff WORKS.
Now I’ll admit, there’s a reason some weight loss became imminent. We are off to the beach (DearGodpleaselettherestillbeanicebeach) in Florida in a couple of weeks and I figured I’d better start this now for two reasons: 1) to lose a few lbs before I have to sport a swim suit everyday 2) to get the hardest part over with before we go.
I have to say, it’s really amazing what a low carb, RIGHT carb diet can do. And I don’t mean diet as in “DIIEEETT – UGH”, I mean diet, as in lifestyle change, what you eat every day, MY actual diet of foods.
I can’t really tell yet if I have that much more energy, but I do know I just FEEL better in general and I’m not as impatient with the kids or even Tim! Maybe it’s partly psychological since I know the weight it starting to come off, but whatever it is, it’s GOOD!
Oh and by the way, someone else is getting ready for the beach soon too! Don’t you just love her new Target special faux beach crocs? Yeah, me too!
Wow, that is awesome. I wish you the best of luck.
Congrats! That’s impressive. I just don’t think I could do the no carbs. I just can’t be that dedicated.
So proud of you and Tim.
And, seriously, how did K get so stinking big..like almost not baby anymore!
Yea! Bathing suit, here you come.
And did I miss something? When did baby girl get so big???
GREAT work with SB!
Just give it a little longer and you won’t miss all that stuff you “can’t” have. That and you will appreciate the splurges SO much more!!!
Also- Miss C has that outfit too!!
It’s one of my favorites!
Atta girl Elaine! I have noticed how much better I feel and how much more energy I have when I eat clean. It’s amazing!
And that is also what makes it easier to stick with
So awesome! Keep it up girl!
also, I really like the ricotta dessert…but I’m weird.
great choice doing South Beach, you will not miss the carbs in a few weeks. Trust me, carbs are way overrated! Good luck!
Oh my goodness, I’m hoping and praying the oil stays away!
And dude. No fruit? UGH!
Great,sounds like you will be successful. Blessings and changes in your life lots of energy..
Dorothy from grammology
That is awesome!! And yes, those faux crocs are adorable.
that is awesome!! I’m so proud of you, Elaine! I’d have a hard time with no carbs…but LESS carbs would definitely be good for me. Portion control in general…You are gonna be lookin’ and feelin’ GOOD on that beach. :o)
Way to go, lady! It is HARD, but you’re doing it. Keep on rockin’ it, sister
my in-laws do south beach and get serious results, too. but for some reason i can’t wrap my head around a diet that doesn’t allow fruit. at least not for the first several weeks….but i’m glad it’s working so well for you!
and baby k’s crocs are PRECIOUS!
WTG lady! I have heard that they diet is really hard. And yes those shoes are super cute. I wonder if they have them toddler size 9???
You’ve inspired me. Your 7.2 tweet was the push I needed. Any tips you have, I would appreciate. I suck at diets!! WAH! http://tinyurl.com/23ka8o5