Lots of exciting things in the next few days.
Today is my first sonogram and appointment with my doctor for the kidney bean – at least that’s the size babycenter.com says he/she is. And actually I will not even see my doctor today, rather the nurse practitioner. Which is fine because my doctor is a VERY busy lady and it can take her a while sometimes. I hope to be outta there in a hour to hour and half (Can you tell this is my third pregnancy?). Fingers crossed. But what I hope and pray for the most is a strong little heartbeat and until I see that I will be a little nervous. Let’s have a moment of silence for that, shall we………………………….
Ok, I’m back.
Anyway, I may post a sono picture later today so stay tuned. : )
Also, Saturday is THE big blogger dinner that I’ve been helping to plan since what seems like last year. Oh wait, I guess we did start last year. As I type this we have 29 people coming. Mind you the last two dinners I went to there were 5 people, including myself. Five. This time there’s almost SIX times five. Cool, huh? I’m so excited to meet everyone (and see the 6 or 7 I already know again!) and here’s what I’ve decided to do. I’ve mentioned them all in the next paragraph in some form or fashion. Who wants an old boring list anyway?
P.S. the following is purely fictional:
The other day I was out shopping for Stethescopes and Stilettos when I ran into Jill Jill Bo Bill. She was going on about her 3 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and I was all like, “Please I’m a Working Mamma 24/7, I know exactly what you mean!” Then she was Sounding Forth about something else and I started using my Canned Laughter. Frankly, I was a little tired of her Coral’s Chaos and Blah, Blah Blog so I said “I know a very busy mom with four who could totally relate.” After we parted I was a little Frazzled LaShawn but I went on to shop at The Stiletto Mom and found some great shoes! Then I went home to study my Momology and Halftime Lessons and realized life was good. I mean it may be Normal to Natalie but not everyone is living La Vie de Laurie, you know? Sometimes my Conscientious Confusion get’s in the way of living Life, Liberty & The Pursuit, but I try not to let it. I mean this ain’t really June Cleaver Nirvana, you know? Sometimes I wonder Who Put Me in Charge of These People and how much The Strittmatters and when it comes to breaks in this life, I’ll take As Many as We’re Given. I mean who wouldn’t right? After contemplating all of this I was feeling a little Chirky and felt like pretending for a while and Becoming Bianca. Then I wrote a bunch of stuff down on a Posted Note while Waiting for Rain and Searching for my Inner Skinny. I wonder if that’s how the Life of Preston goes. Guess I’ll find out on Saturday! : )
Lastly, I plan to have you ALL link up again tomorrow for this month’s Past Post Parade. Go find a favorite post from your blog from a year ago at this time (or even two or three or five years ago) and link up to it. If you haven’t been blogging for a year go back as far as you want and link up to that one. I’ll have all the instructions and the Mr. Linky up late tonight. Please join in, it’s so much fun!
Wish I could be there – someday you’ll come to Seattle or I’ll go to…where ever it is that you live. I don’t think I’ve ever met a fellow blogger that I didn’t already know!
Oh Elaine
Look what happens when you don’t check in on your favourite blogs regularly enough. You finally get around to it and nearly fall of your chair to find out the most wonderful and exciting news.
Congratulations to you and Tim. I am thrilled for you both. Of course I had to go back to the actual announcement in your blog.
Now I can hardly wait to see a picture of your baby. We certainly will be praying with you and your family and following you on this joyful (Ok, I know it’s not all that joyful when you feel so nauseous and I am hoping like crazy that this subsides very soon) journey.
Lots of love
I prayed for you this morning, during quiet time! That little Bean is being prayed for all the way up here in Ohio!!
Also- I SO wish I lived DOWN there! I want to go to a special dinner! I am jealous!
Have a great day! I can’t wait to see a picture of the little Bean!
I wish that I lived near you so I could join in as well…sounds like a lot of fun! And what a wonderful way to link all the people coming, I thought that was great!!
Hope everything goes well for you today!
Your linky organizational skills are truly Amazing!
I’ll say a prayer for a good sonogram appointment. I can totally relate to that nervous feeling. I felt it each and every time I was pregnant, more so with each pregnancy in fact.
You did a great job working in all the blog titles! Very clever!
I’ll join in the carnival next time. Tomorrow’s post is dedicated to Butterfly on my blog b/c it is her first birthday! Yikes!
Good luck with the sono today – that will be so exciting!!! Wish I could make it to the Blogger dinner. Maybe next year I’ll be able to get it on my calendar! I think I need to be a better blogger first before I could hang with all those great ladies!
Saying a little prayer for baby bean this morning
Bean will be perfect–just liken the brothers are 
Loved your little story–I cannot believe how many people are coming!
That story was fantastic, way to go Elaine.
Still sad I don’t get to be there too but someone has to live in the Arctic….or do I?
Saying a prayer for the baby..have fun at the dinner.
Enjoy your sonogram today!!! Sounds like you have a fun weekend lined up!
I’m praying that everything goes well today!!
How exciting – seeing those first pictures of your precious baby! So happy for you Elaine!
Have a good day – Kellan
Praying for a good Dr appointment!
I loved how you listed all the blog links as a story – fun!
loved the story – do all the cool bloggers live in texas??
sending happy, healthy heartbeat thoughts and prayers your way!!
Can I just say…
I am so jealous!!! I want to go to the dinner toooooooo!!!!!!
Good luck on your dr appointment. Praying all goes well.
can’t wait to see the sono picture! praying everything goes great!!!
and i am super impressed with the linky list you did! very good.
Wow!!! You’ve got some serious mad linky skillz. Thanks!
Can’t wait to see shots of the excellent sono in person – oh yeah, don’t even think about showing up without them.
I like your past post parade! Sounds like fun. How does it go?
Prayers are on their way for a good appointment Elaine. It sounds like a success??
And holy linkfest, that was good!
How fun!! And what a great day you have planned!!
Can’t wait to see our very first picture of the Bean, and also so excited to hear about your dinner!
Can’t wait for all the details to follow!
Okay, now tell the truth – how long did it take you to come up with that very clever bit of prose linking everyone up? You’re awesome. :o) Can’t wait for Saturday – and to hear the good report on the soso!
You lucky ducks! I want to go to your dinner, tooooooo!
I hope you post the sono pic! So exciting!!!
hope the blogger dinner is awesome! and yay for the sonogram, so exciting!
I’m late…I sure hope that the appt went well.
And, I’m so jealous of your dinner. I hope it’s a blast. Wait…I know it will be a blast.
Awesome! Loved the story and can’t wait for the big party.
I am so excited for you and pregnancy number 3 which is so funny because during #3 I toted 2 toddlers to OB/GYN appointments without even thinking twice about it. Can you even imagine doing that at #1 or even #2? Times change!
See ya in two days!
You ARE back. I mean, I don’t know where you went – but this was quite the return! I look forward to meeting you on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Elaine! I guess I am going to meet you tomorrow night! Loved that little story at the end of your post, very creative.
I look forward to reading this site.
You are a stinker to leave us hanging this way. WOW, your dinner sounds fun!
I’m really excited to meet so many people that love doing what I do in person! It should be awesome and thanks for allowing me to crash the party.
I hope you guys had a great time.
Hi Elaine! It was very nice to meet you and all the other ladies (and Jay) last night. Thanks for the placecard and for planning a fun event!
That was EXCELLENT!! The paragraph with Linkies takes me bad to Mad Libs! Too fun!!
Thanks for everything! Can’t wait until the next one!
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