Sonograms are Better Nowadays, Right?

I’ve been wrapped up in expecting a girl.

The clothes, the bows, the PINK, the polka dots (I love me some polka dots!), the idea of dressing MY child in a DRESS and it being well, APPROPRIATE.

I went to our new dentist this morning and the hygienist (who’s probably in her early ’50’s) felt the need to share with me her ‘they told me my second was a girl three times and she came out a BOY’ story. Yeah, don’t do that to me lady.

Admittedly, I would be somewhat devastated INITIALLY if that happened on October 1st. I would have to re-decorate and I would mourn the loss of all the baby boy clothes I gave away. Oh AND? I would have to re-name my child.

However, if for some CUH-RAZY reason it did, I would still love that baby to the moon and back, just as I do my other two boys.

I mean how could you NOT love faces and sweet BOYS like these??

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Sure they have their moments and “FART” is pretty much the most favored word around here lately, but I wouldn’t trade ’em for all the chocolate in the world. And that’s saying something people.

They do like to get a little attitude every now and again though, and ‘gang’ up on me at snack time.
“Yo, Momma, you gonna get us somethin’ to eat or not?? C’mon lady, we’re hungry here!!”

(…please be a girl, please be a girl, please….)


P.S. You see my counter over there? Subtract 6 days from it. Yeah that’s right – 9 days, only 9 days…


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