I’ve been wrapped up in expecting a girl.
The clothes, the bows, the PINK, the polka dots (I love me some polka dots!), the idea of dressing MY child in a DRESS and it being well, APPROPRIATE.
I went to our new dentist this morning and the hygienist (who’s probably in her early ’50’s) felt the need to share with me her ‘they told me my second was a girl three times and she came out a BOY’ story. Yeah, don’t do that to me lady.
Admittedly, I would be somewhat devastated INITIALLY if that happened on October 1st. I would have to re-decorate and I would mourn the loss of all the baby boy clothes I gave away. Oh AND? I would have to re-name my child.
However, if for some CUH-RAZY reason it did, I would still love that baby to the moon and back, just as I do my other two boys.
I mean how could you NOT love faces and sweet BOYS like these??
Sure they have their moments and “FART” is pretty much the most favored word around here lately, but I wouldn’t trade ’em for all the chocolate in the world. And that’s saying something people.
They do like to get a little attitude every now and again though, and ‘gang’ up on me at snack time.
(…please be a girl, please be a girl, please….)
P.S. You see my counter over there? Subtract 6 days from it. Yeah that’s right – 9 days, only 9 days…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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