Some Things You Need To Know About Me

I am loyal to a fault.

Good music makes me completely swoon.

I believe art is life.

My kids are my world.

I cannot wait to get to Paris and Prague. (Jennie, I’m coming, I promise!)

Someday I want to get married again.

I could live at the ocean. Starting tomorrow.

I love my hair.

But not my thighs.

I think my parents are THE best parents.

I hate to mop.

I’m the kind of person who puts “make a list” on her list of things to do.

I unabashedly like to take selfies. (so what)

I find inspiration in words. Usually other people’s words. Then I string my own together.

I also find inspirations in photographs. All the time.

I probably have 20 pairs of flip-flops.

I RARELY make my bed. I mean why? Just gonna get in it again.

I do not wear a watch.

I eat eggs for breakfast almost every day.

I cannot believe it took me so long to get a Mac.

I am SUPER sentimental. Y’all should see my scrapbooks from elementary school…

I fall fast and I fall hard.

I love to laugh.

I also love cheesecake.

And chocolate chip cookies.

I have THE best dog.

In the same vein, I think cats are assholes.

I have an addiction to home goods (not the store, but the actual items of to decorate your house with) (okay, the store too).

I have grown much closer to God in the last year.

I have no regrets, despite my current situation. What’s the point of that?

My shoe size is 7.5.

My heritage is Czechoslovakian.

I only know a few Czech words.

I hope to write a book someday (did I tell y’all I am also doing NaNoWriMo this month? Yes, I’ve lost my mind.)


Cheescake-loving laugher who does not wear a watch and loves her hair.


This is a short list. There are many more things. Like how I will stop short to take a photo of a rainbow or how I bite my nails off and on. It’s also hard for me to clean out my closet because I typically want to keep ALLTHETHINGS. Except for shoes that hurt my feet. Why did I buy those anyway?

I am also very random.

You may have guessed that from this post.

Tell me some random things about you  in the comments. You know, whatever comes to mind.



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Tags: #NaBloPoMo

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