I feel like every time I have posted this week I have added myself to a Mr. Linky. He’s workin’ overtime this week I tell ya! I think I will give him a break today and those of you who just happen over here will have the benefit of today’s Miss-Elainey…
Now I want to call attention to the extra lovely changes on my blog and once again give all the credit to the illustrious Karen who added even more beauty to the blog. I am more than happy with the end result and just want to mention again how wonderful she is to work with. If you need or just want a new design I urge you to check her out!
I also want to send some readers over to see my friend Jennifer’s blog. She participated in her first carnival this week (yeah for her!) and has two cute boys (like me – tee hee!) and can I just say what beautiful cakes she bakes? If you search her archives you will see what I am talkin’ about.
I grabbed this meme from Musings of a Housewife and since I got nothin’ else today, here you go!
Where is your cell phone? Who knows. Most of the time it stays in my purse or the car, which is usually where my purse is.
Your significant other? Is “the bomb.” Loving, giving, wonderful father, smart, hard working, etc, etc.
Your hair? Needs to be colored in a major way
Your mother? She’s pretty wonderful. See this post
Your father? My teacher and inspiration
Your favorite thing? Chocolate
Your dream last night? Don’t know
Your favorite drink? I don’t know if I really have one. Is that weird?
Your dream/goal? To lose a little weight
The room you are in? Our den
Your ex? A sweet guy. He lives somewhere in the same area as me and sometimes I wonder what he’s up to. Saw his parents a few months back.
Your fear? Tornadoes
Where do you want to be in six years? This place is good. Think I will stay here.
Where were you last night? Same place, reading blogs and working on my post
What are you not? Patient
Muffins? Huh? Sure, muffins are good.
One of your wish list items? Chocolate
Where you grew up? Austin, Texas
The last thing you did? Kissed my husband goodnight.
What are you wearing? Navy capris and a light green top
Your TV? Is on probably too much
Your pets? Do the bazillion stuffed puppies on my son’s bed count?
Your computer? An old Dell laptop that needs replacing. But I love you my dear, really I do! (and I need you to keep working until I can get a new one!)
Your life? Just as I’d always hoped.
Your mood? Good.
Missing someone? Baby who’s in bed.
Your Car? 2005 CR-V – love it.
Something you are not wearing? Socks
Favorite store? Target
Your summer? Not sure yet… hope to go somewhere on vacation. Also, lots of time at waterparks and pools.
Like someone? How old are we again?
Your favorite color? Greens and reds
When was the last time you laughed? Tonight at dinner with other Moms
Last time you cried? I cannot really remember.
Who will repost this? Not sure but have at it if you want to!
Chocolate. I should have said that.
fun meme!
oh my gosh!!! Thanks for the shout out on your blog!!! I bet we would be really good friends if we hung out more. We have so much in common.
I love that you are good with where you are at…
Okay so if you are wearing capris then it must be warm there. It is COLD here.
So much for spring!
Love the new additions here too, very pretty!
I did this one too http://ultrabeautyboutique.com/?p=372
I love these! They are so much fun!!!
I’m really not patient either . . . especially if I can’t have my CHOCOLATE!!!
these are always so fun to read. Thanks for sharing!
Target & chocolate- on all our lists, of course!
The blog design looks awesome!I’ve tried to tweak mine myself, but I just don’t have the know-how.
Loved your answers and getting to know you better! I have 3 posts in the drafts phase, otherwise I’d do it too. :o)
Tornadoes…right there with ya, sista!
i don’t like the threat of tornados either!!! oh and mmmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate!
Hi Elaine!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Your blog design is SO cute!!
I love love love your blog design! It is FANTASTIC! I feel like I should take my shoes off before entering or something!
Your blog design is gorgeous. Cute meme too.
I copied your MEME idea. BTW…the video of little one walking to his “bubba” is precious.
check. check. check. and check. we are twins on so many of your answers!
And THANKS again (many times over!) for the sweet shout out about my new business.