Last night we rang in the New Year with family and friends at our house. Tim’s sister Kathy and her husband Dave and son Andy drove down from North Dakota and arrived Sunday. They brought their Wii. Need I say more? Tim is suffering from a severe case of what we are calling “Wii-sitis.” A good time was had by all. Even Ben got to play the cow race game a few times. Sorry, if you don’t know what a Wii is, you can find out here.
I don’t really have any New Year’s resolutions, except maybe to simplify my life a little (like by cleaning out closets…), see how we can become a little “greener” as a family (for the environment), and to encourage myself to stress less over things. In other words to adopt more of a “don’t sweat the small stuff” kind of philosophy. Okay. Maybe I do have a few resolutions.
I received a Kitchenaid Mixer for Christmas. Best gift EVER! I took it for it’s maiden run yesterday and tears began to well up in my eyes. Thank you Santa Tim. If you can be in love with a kitchen appliance then this one is my soul mate. I made some Chocolate Peppermint Icecap cookies for the New Year’s festivities.
Today is my father’s 75th birthday. Yes, he’s a New Year’s baby. He usually celebrates by baking himself up a nice duck. Hey, it’s his birthday, so he can do whatever he wants, right? Thankfully my mother knows to make some other type of meat for those of us who are anti-duck… Unfortunately we are not with him to celebrate but we send our love and wishes for a wonderful birthday. Here is one of my favorite pictures of the two of us together, the day I graduated from high school.
Happy Birthday to your father as well! Wanted to wish you a wonderful, prosperous, safe and healthy New Year! Here is to a fabulous 2008!
kari & kijsa
Just so you know, the KitchenAid Mixer can be dangerous. Soon you will find yourself making more cookies than any family can eat. I hope you have lots of friends to share your baking delights with. I love my mixer too. The whole idea of having free hands while mixing is heavenly.
I chuckled a little about the Wii, which I only learned about within the last 40 days. And as for the mixer, it looks like a lot of fun, but would probably compromise my other goals and challenge me to give away more cookies than I would taste test. Enjoy your family fellowship, seemed like fun was had by all. And as we make all these new year reflections and commitments, promises and such…isn’t the whole point of it all – simply to enjoy life, and to make it more enjoyable for someone else. Seems like you are assuredly doing that – Happy New year.