I have a lot going on in my head right now. Some of it I will spill right here, right now and some of it I’m not quite ready to divulge yet. This post is going to be a little “rambly” but right now I feel I need to type some of it out here, in this space, my space…
Little G will be 2 in less than two weeks. He’s talking A LOT, although some of it I still can’t understand. I’m not really used to that because The B Man talked perfectly from day one. And I don’t say that to compare them, it’s just harder for me to interpret, I assume partly because of that.
Tim and I look at each other on the DAILY and say “OMG, he’s (G) so cute right now!!!” Except for the days Tim is not here, which are many, since he’s still traveling every other week. But that will end in mid July since he’s officially “done” with this current company then. So you know what that means right? He’s on the prowl for alternate employment. Please keep us in your prayers for that…
I had a dream last night that was very vivid that the baby is a girl. She was REALLY tiny and there were a lot of other weird details (like I didn’t ever remember her birth AT ALL). It kinda freaked me out. Not that it was a girl but just the other parts of the dream that were quite strange. I feel like I know why some of the other things played out in my dream as they did but it was still disturbing and I don’t like that. It just doesn’t sit well with me.
I’ve been feeling pretty crappy lately. I think (never actually been diagnosed) I have seasonal allergies and between the sneezing, congestion and dull headaches it’s enough to make me crazy and cranky. Blech. I did actually exercise last week for the first time in several weeks and it felt good (just walked two miles on the treadmill and did some weight lifting). But this week? Not feelin’ it. I know I need to keep it up so I don’t weigh like a kazillion pounds at the end of this pregnancy but my motivation is just not there when I feel bad a lot. I have been taking Zyrtec when I remember and it seems to help a little.
I have a great husband. He helped around the house a TON last weekend (did laundry, dishes, mopping, etc.) and he works SO hard for our family, every day. He tells me he loves me several times a day and still grabs my butt. See if he didn’t, I would worry that something was wrong. So I’m so okay with it! ; )
I’m constantly wowed by The B Man. He’s such a kid now and it’s just blowing me away! The conversations we have these days about something he learned at school or at Sunday school are so amazing. For the most part he’s a great big brother and he and G play pretty well together and I just love to see that. If there is an altercation, which ever one is at fault will apologize and then they hug and it’s the cutest thing in the world! B also says he will help with the baby and I hope by then he will be pretty independent with bathing/showering, making his own dinner, etc.
I’m excited to see how he does in Kindergarten in a few months because I think it’s going to be wonderful!
I think my little corner of the blogosphere is going through some sort of downturn right now. I know a few bloggers who’ve pretty much thrown in the towel and several that haven’t posted in a while or much at all lately. My traffic and comments are down (although after being #15 on MckMama’s NMM yesterday my traffic was WAY up, but still not that many comments!) I continue to try to read and comment as much as I can but I can’t help but feel like things are a little “slow” around here lately. I don’t expect people to love me all the time but I just feel like something is going on these days in general. Any ideas?
And I know that my blogging will more than likely slow WAY down for a while come October (baby due!) and I also know things like this are cyclical but I’m just wondering how any of you feel about it. Please share if you feel so inclined…
Things are still kinds complicated in my family right now and we haven’t been to Austin to visit since Christmas, which kinda hurts my heart. My neice (and Goddaughter) is graduating from high school at the beginning of June and I was planning on going but even that is in question now. It’s terribly difficult and I’m praying so hard that things will change but my heart is heavy with the fact that NO steps have been taken in a good direction.
I hate to end on that note, but that’s all I have for now. If you read all of this, thanks. And if not no big deal, at least I was able to get some things out that I feel these days.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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