I have a lot going on in my head right now. Some of it I will spill right here, right now and some of it I’m not quite ready to divulge yet. This post is going to be a little “rambly” but right now I feel I need to type some of it out here, in this space, my space…
Little G will be 2 in less than two weeks. He’s talking A LOT, although some of it I still can’t understand. I’m not really used to that because The B Man talked perfectly from day one. And I don’t say that to compare them, it’s just harder for me to interpret, I assume partly because of that.
Tim and I look at each other on the DAILY and say “OMG, he’s (G) so cute right now!!!” Except for the days Tim is not here, which are many, since he’s still traveling every other week. But that will end in mid July since he’s officially “done” with this current company then. So you know what that means right? He’s on the prowl for alternate employment. Please keep us in your prayers for that…
I had a dream last night that was very vivid that the baby is a girl. She was REALLY tiny and there were a lot of other weird details (like I didn’t ever remember her birth AT ALL). It kinda freaked me out. Not that it was a girl but just the other parts of the dream that were quite strange. I feel like I know why some of the other things played out in my dream as they did but it was still disturbing and I don’t like that. It just doesn’t sit well with me.
I’ve been feeling pretty crappy lately. I think (never actually been diagnosed) I have seasonal allergies and between the sneezing, congestion and dull headaches it’s enough to make me crazy and cranky. Blech. I did actually exercise last week for the first time in several weeks and it felt good (just walked two miles on the treadmill and did some weight lifting). But this week? Not feelin’ it. I know I need to keep it up so I don’t weigh like a kazillion pounds at the end of this pregnancy but my motivation is just not there when I feel bad a lot. I have been taking Zyrtec when I remember and it seems to help a little.
I have a great husband. He helped around the house a TON last weekend (did laundry, dishes, mopping, etc.) and he works SO hard for our family, every day. He tells me he loves me several times a day and still grabs my butt. See if he didn’t, I would worry that something was wrong. So I’m so okay with it! ; )
I’m constantly wowed by The B Man. He’s such a kid now and it’s just blowing me away! The conversations we have these days about something he learned at school or at Sunday school are so amazing. For the most part he’s a great big brother and he and G play pretty well together and I just love to see that. If there is an altercation, which ever one is at fault will apologize and then they hug and it’s the cutest thing in the world! B also says he will help with the baby and I hope by then he will be pretty independent with bathing/showering, making his own dinner, etc.
I’m excited to see how he does in Kindergarten in a few months because I think it’s going to be wonderful!
I think my little corner of the blogosphere is going through some sort of downturn right now. I know a few bloggers who’ve pretty much thrown in the towel and several that haven’t posted in a while or much at all lately. My traffic and comments are down (although after being #15 on MckMama’s NMM yesterday my traffic was WAY up, but still not that many comments!) I continue to try to read and comment as much as I can but I can’t help but feel like things are a little “slow” around here lately. I don’t expect people to love me all the time but I just feel like something is going on these days in general. Any ideas?
And I know that my blogging will more than likely slow WAY down for a while come October (baby due!) and I also know things like this are cyclical but I’m just wondering how any of you feel about it. Please share if you feel so inclined…
Things are still kinds complicated in my family right now and we haven’t been to Austin to visit since Christmas, which kinda hurts my heart. My neice (and Goddaughter) is graduating from high school at the beginning of June and I was planning on going but even that is in question now. It’s terribly difficult and I’m praying so hard that things will change but my heart is heavy with the fact that NO steps have been taken in a good direction.
I hate to end on that note, but that’s all I have for now. If you read all of this, thanks. And if not no big deal, at least I was able to get some things out that I feel these days.
The blogosphere is pretty quiet everywhere lately. Don’t take it personally.
Also! How did I not know that you were going to BlogHer? I get to meet you! Woo!
I have totally slowed down on my commenting I plan to ramp it back up here in the next few weeks. Love the ramble post !
Well I will keep stopping by…just so ya know.
I keep forgetting to go back and comment on everyone’s page. You see I am not reading everything in google reader so I can keep up with my peeps
It is so easy for me to want more comments and check my blog traffic constantly. I struggle with that all the time. Then, I remind myself that I started blogging to write down my thoughts. I remind myself it isn’t a contest.
I hope just knowing others struggle with it, too, helps.
By the way, your comments about your husband made me laugh.
My latest post: Lost…in thought
I think it’s just because it’s springtime and the weather has been nice… I don’t comment much (bad habit) but I do read
I hear you. And things do seem to be slow, everywhere. My reasons for not travelling around as much as I used to are many, but mostly because Youngest has stopped taking naps.
This week, with Oldest home from school because of the closings, I’m getting a taste of what Summer will be like – I’m having a struggle with shuting things down all together, you know?
I’m so sorry about the dream and the family issues. Take a deep breath, when you can
You know, just this morning “Texas Mama” had a post about so many bloggers just post positive things and are reluctant to post the “down” or the ugly. I wonder if the economic times, and, in our part of the world, the weather brings us down so much that we just can’t think of anything positive to blog about, so we don’t blog…
I think that’s been the case with me often in the last week or so! Hang in there!!
Hi, Elaine! Even though I’m not a blogger, I read you every day and love keeping up with your beautiful family–both online and at church! Love you.
I’ve noticed the quiet too. I think things definitely go in cycles and sometimes things just slow down and other times, things have run their course. Don’t feel bad. It’s really not just you. I think that lots of us are experiencing the same thing.
Seems like the weather is making me spend more time outside than on the computer
I love reading your posts…
Ok-Im so hoping that you are having a girl, got super excited reading that-my fingers are crossed for ya!
I agree w/you about the bloggy world, maybe its the end of school and people are just crazy busy.I know that I seemed to have gotten lost in the suffle because I was trying to email back every comment that was left for me,the more I tried the more I got behind and I wasnt blogging/writing like I used to, I wasnt reading, commenting, etc…I just didnt have the time. Now I have just decided that instead of emailing people back I will just visit their blog, read, and comment. I mean I think people would rather have a comment than an email, right?!
I hope that things in your family get better, I can def. say that I have been there, done that.
i agree i think it’s the weather. i know that’s been my excuse lately…it’s like she knows the sun is out and she thinks she must be out at all times!!
sorry bout the blah in your world right now…sooo been there
hoping it all works out soon!
until then – go eat more chocolate
Wish I could just reach out and give you a hug, my friend! I’m sorry you’re feeling the blahs. They are here too. My blog traffic and comments have dropped like in HALF too, so it’s definitely not just you!
I’m sending up some prayers for Tim’s employment and the family situation. That’s so stressful. What exactly is Tim’s position, so I can keep an ear out??
I have definitely seen a dropoff in comments. I agree about the weather and busy spring schedules. I also think that people are so busy with Twitter and Facebook that there is less time for commenting and that may be part of the decline.
I try not to let it get to me and keep writing about the things that make me happy. In the end, that is what blogging is about, right?
PS It really does sound like you are having a girl.
Aw, honey, let me send you some (((hugs))).
I agree about blog land…it IS quiet! Even my giveaways have been a ghost town…what gives?
Keeping you in my prayers right now and know that we love ya!
I’ve been feeling down today. To be honest the weather has stunk and all the news these days is so depressing! I don’t pay too much attention to my traffic or I’d get really blue but I know it has gone way down

Anyway I’m sorry you had such a scary dream. I am thinking you are going to have girl though because it seems every single blogger pregnant or just had a baby has had a girl. Even in real life–all are having girls (and if you have a boy, he’ll be the most popular kid in school!)
Take care–relax and enjoy the day
Oh hon. You sounds down and a bit stressed out. I hope things are well and that everything sorts itself out.
As far as blogging goes, I’ve noticed a lot of people are stepping back from their blogs. I have been too. I have been questioning whether to even keep it up or not, but it is so nice to look back on what the boys have said or done that it makes for a nice journal. I almost feel guilty if I don’t continue doing it for baby girl. I don’t know. It is just so time consuming. I only visit blogs once or twice a week. Any more than that just takes so much time away from my family and seems to stress me out more than anything else.
So that is my excuse.
Try not to read too much into your dream. Real life stresses and worries have a way of representing themselves in our dreams and scaring the crap out of us. I hope you have SWEET dreams tonight that make you forget all about the other one.
Hi there!! It’s so hard to keep up w/ everyones blog, that on some days I find myself commenting back on people who left comments on mine. But, I think with this awesome weather going around, more people are outside.
I didn’t even know there was a way to look at your blog traffic. How interesting!!! LOL
Oh honey, I have been in a bit of a funk lately too. I think maybe it is the time of year. I hope things turn around for you soon.
And regarding blogging, I have been writing, reading and commenting less mainly because I have been devoting my time to starting my photography business. Plus my little one rarely takes an afternoon nap anymore.
I keep going back and forth regarding if I should keep up the blog and if so, what I should focus on. I like the idea of recording thoughts/events for my girls, my family enjoys reading the blog and I have meet some great friends through blogging, so I think I will keep it up in some form. But I just don’t have the time to participate in everything and read/comment for hours a day.
Gosh, this comment is getting long enough to be a blog post. I will stop rambling, but the point is you are not the only one.
I’m sorry that you’re feeling badly…I’m sure all the extra phlegm from the pregnancy is NOT helping!
I have noticed that things are very slow too!
And…I still think youre having a girl. Are you going to find out????????
I can completely agree that it seems slow on the blogosphere lately, and I’m one of the ver y slow people. I have hardly posted because of a mixture of reasons, and I can’t seem to find the time to even read and comment on other’s blogs anymore. I think it’s because i just have too much going on at the moment. I’m hoping that once summer hits things will slow down a little. We;ll definitely be inside out of the heat, so who knows.
Sorry you’re having weird dreams. A girl would be nice for you, but hopefully a good safe delivery with no weirdness.
Dreams always tend to freak me out because mine are always so vivid. I am sure everything is fine and a girl would be nice.
The great thing about blogging is that you are able to just get it all out. I hope after writing about everything that you are feeling better. Know that I’m around and visiting often even if I’m not commenting much. Only 20 more days of school and then more blogging time.
You have a lot going on right now (along with GROWING A LIFE inside you–I’m at 28 as of today–and boy do I feel it).
As for blog traffic–things slow down when the weather warms up–nature of the bloggy beast.
I can’t believe JR will be 2 in a matter of months! I mean, he’s my baby (at least for a little while longer). I feel you . . . I do, but how cool that you are so excited about their milestones!
I’m excited for you. You have such an adventure ahead! Enjoy it and take time to relax and pamper . . .
Im sorry… totally guilty. I have been keeping up, just not commenting. My apologies…things have been crazy busy. And with everything going on, I am having issues myself! But i am keeping up and always looking at pictures of your cute boys! Forgive me! I promise to try and comment more often
Sorry about the family woes…I am sorry to say i understand (from what I gather that is) and family can be very tricky…*sigh* Hope things look up soon! Your family and work will be in my prayers!
oh i can barely keep up with my own blog let alone comment anymore. there just never seems to be any time. the time i used to use for editing pictures and blogging is now used for excercise. i read still i just read quickly while the kids play together so i rarely have time to comment.
i hope to get back into things but first i have to learn to manage my time better….. hmmm, that might be a tough one for me!
Comments are down in a lot of places as the weather warms up and people get out a lot more. Then it will pick back up as they come home in the evenings, etc. Ebs and flows. That’s how it is in the blogsphere it seems. As for the rest…try not to stress about the baby dreams. I had dreams that my baby turned into a doll and I broke the head off and other horrid things. It’s the hormones, I’m sure. One day at a time. Hang in there!
I’ve been less inclined to post lately, and I’m definitely commenting less. That is partly because I have been reading some books that have totally sucked me in. And reading trumps pretty much everything.
I’ll say a prayer or two for you, that you might know some peace and that your personal clouds will lift soon.
October is a great month to have a baby (3 of mine in October!).
Well, you’ve seen my blogging frequency lately – I think it may tend to go in cycles as time goes on. It is going to be weird (and cool) to have so much of our lives blogged as we get older, right?
Don’t worry about little G. Caden is on the slow end for language development….he’s almost 2 1/2 and I still have to decipher what he’s saying! As long as he’s got about 50 words by the time he’s 2 (they don’t have to be pronounced correctly) then he’s on track. (My undergraduate degree is in Speech Path).
Oh, and can I steal your hubby for a while? Mopping??? My jaw is dropped…
Love the randomness.
And, I agree…I think things have slowed down. But this is comment #30! I don’t even think I have that many on a glasses giveaway!
Maybe it is a girl. I had the worst allergies of my life when pregnant with my daughter. Sneezed until my ribs ached. Weird.
I hope you are feeling better soon. I enjoy your blog
I’m catching up on my favorite blogs since I’ve come back from my mini leave of absence and I don’t know if you followed my blog much but I felt guilty when you mentioned that several people had “thrown in the towel”. I promise I’m not one of those people, my goal was to NOT be one of those people when I started my blog. I’ve just been up to a few things (go check out my blog to find out!) and that’s why I haven’t been around, but I’m back and better than ever now and am so glad I have so many fun and juicy posts to catch up on on my favorite bloggers pages! It’s like having an entire new series to watch that just came out on DVD! Hope all has been going well with you, your boys are too cute, I may need to get your advice on some fun projects for boys that age cause I nanny for 3 boys and 2 of them are your boys’ ages
They are a handful!!!
I think it’s just that people can’t keep up, I know that’s my problem. I just can’t get to sites daily and if they post daily, well then I just plain get behind. Don’t take it personally, we love you no matter what!
And I am sorry there are things going on in your family, I will pray for resolution!
Ps I had dream that Kamden was a girl. Obviously he wasn’t so don’t place too much on your dream, it’s probably more your subconscious fears than anything
I try to come by and comment as much as i can. You know the busy life of a mama of 2 boys and one on the way.
I personally have stopped posting as much because of lack of time and honestly energy. When i first started my blog i wanted as many visitors as possible but now i just blog for me. Sometimes it is interesting to others and sometimes not but either way it is a book of memories for me and my family and very therapeutic.
I have had some crazy pregnancy dreams here lately. I had a dream i cheated on my husband with an ex boyfriend of mine and woke up feeling amazingly guilty because the dream was so real. I also have had several dreams about having a girl and breastfeeding her but no memory of her birth. Those pregnancy dreams are wired lol.
I hope all is going well and you dont have long now til hopefully your little bean will let us know if it is a he or she.
I’ll keep your husband’s job prospects in my prayers girl. I know how hard it can be to worry about something like that when a baby’s on the way. Ugh.
Yeah, it’s been slow in the old blog world lately. I know I’ve been slow at posting. Just doesn’t seem like there’s enough time. I think it’s because summer’s getting close and everyone’s busy with school stuff and planning, etc. At least that’s my excuse! Summer is typically a slower time.
I’ve been thinking about you alot lately and been meaning to stop by here and check in. I’m glad I did.
I hope your family things get worked out. I know, all too well, how hard it can be.
BIG HUGS and lots of love.