1. Little G’s (FIRST!!) birthday is 3 weeks from today. I am a little va klempt (have no idea if that is how you spell that, but you can figure it out, right?) and I have an idea for his little party, but not quite sure how to pull it off yet. He LOVES music, so I think that will be my theme in some way… hmmm… Any ideas in that genre are greatly appreciated.
2. Little G is working really hard on walking. He stands by himself for quite a few seconds and walks with me with only one hand. For some reasons I can’t wait until he can walk and for others (NO BABY, DON’T GROW UP!!) I don’t want him to…
3. I had the opportunity to work on some scrapbooking last weekend and now I wish I could scrap every weekend. I actually finished my book for last year but now I need to work on Little G’s baby book. Why can’t there be more hours in the day?
4. I have had a good walk 2 days in a row and both times I was pushing a stroller that had somewhere around 55 pounds in it. Supposedly that helps me burn more calories. Sounds good to me!
5. I cannot get enough of my roses that are currently blooming. I am constantly walking outside to look at them and smell them. Oh glorious Spring I do love thee so!

6. We went to the Fort Worth Arts festival this weekend and it was so nice to get out as a family but boy was it crowded. I couldn’t resist this huge bag of kettle corn and it’s now gone (Tim did eat some of it). That stuff is SO good. Thus the need for the walking… Little G also had his first cotton candy.

7. I cleaned out Little G’s closet today and reorganized his clothes. I have a bag of stuff for Goodwill, a box for my friend that just had her second boy yesterday – (congrats Claudia!!) and another box for the kids consignment store. Time to purge!!
8. The B Man said “we’ll eventually get there…” today. His vocabulary always astounds me. I guess some other 4 year olds might use that word, but I don’t live with them so color me super impressed!
9. The B Man complained of a stomach ache tonight, did not mention dessert until WAY after dinner (totally out of character for him) and is now asleep next to me on the sofa as I type this (yes I typed it the night before…). He has NEVER spontaneously fallen asleep before unless in the car. I hope he’s not getting sick…

**This is also proof of my theory that the male species can fall asleep any time, any where and in any position**
10. I have close to 300 comments on my
Bloggy Giveaway post. Apparently people really do like Target… and scrapbooking. WOW! Go enter if you haven’t already.