A little list…
1. Little G’s (FIRST!!) birthday is 3 weeks from today. I am a little va klempt (have no idea if that is how you spell that, but you can figure it out, right?) and I have an idea for his little party, but not quite sure how to pull it off yet. He LOVES music, so I think that will be my theme in some way… hmmm… Any ideas in that genre are greatly appreciated.
2. Little G is working really hard on walking. He stands by himself for quite a few seconds and walks with me with only one hand. For some reasons I can’t wait until he can walk and for others (NO BABY, DON’T GROW UP!!) I don’t want him to…
3. I had the opportunity to work on some scrapbooking last weekend and now I wish I could scrap every weekend. I actually finished my book for last year but now I need to work on Little G’s baby book. Why can’t there be more hours in the day?
4. I have had a good walk 2 days in a row and both times I was pushing a stroller that had somewhere around 55 pounds in it. Supposedly that helps me burn more calories. Sounds good to me!
5. I cannot get enough of my roses that are currently blooming. I am constantly walking outside to look at them and smell them. Oh glorious Spring I do love thee so!
6. We went to the Fort Worth Arts festival this weekend and it was so nice to get out as a family but boy was it crowded. I couldn’t resist this huge bag of kettle corn and it’s now gone (Tim did eat some of it). That stuff is SO good. Thus the need for the walking… Little G also had his first cotton candy.
7. I cleaned out Little G’s closet today and reorganized his clothes. I have a bag of stuff for Goodwill, a box for my friend that just had her second boy yesterday – (congrats Claudia!!) and another box for the kids consignment store. Time to purge!!
8. The B Man said “we’ll eventually get there…” today. His vocabulary always astounds me. I guess some other 4 year olds might use that word, but I don’t live with them so color me super impressed!
9. The B Man complained of a stomach ache tonight, did not mention dessert until WAY after dinner (totally out of character for him) and is now asleep next to me on the sofa as I type this (yes I typed it the night before…). He has NEVER spontaneously fallen asleep before unless in the car. I hope he’s not getting sick…
**This is also proof of my theory that the male species can fall asleep any time, any where and in any position**
10. I have close to 300 comments on my Bloggy Giveaway post. Apparently people really do like Target… and scrapbooking. WOW! Go enter if you haven’t already.
Awe . . . what an amazing milestone Little G is about to reach!!! J will be crawling any day now. I’m not doing ANYTHING to encourage it. I haven’t even started baby proofing!!! I’m with you . . . PLEASE stop growing up!!!
The pics are great. I love sleeping kiddies . . . so peaceful in any position!
Congrats on bloggy giveaway! I don’t have a Target. How that is possible, I have no idea! *sniff*
Thanks for commenting on my blog!
I love the name of yours! And what a cute post. I am glad I tuned in because it is the bloggy carnival giveaway. I didnt realize. I am in on that again! Thanks!
cute post. i linked you today from my T13! I am with you…ready for James to be walking but not ready for him to grow up! sigh…
okay I just tried to click your link to see your page on Blogging Across Texas but it says it is invitation only.
How do you get one of those….you know how I love for you to find all of these cool things in the bloggy world for me to do!!! thanks again for this ADDICTION (said with some sarcasm…)!
Ohhh, I love your roses! Mine haven’t opened yet…just buds right now.
Okay, this may just be because I’m not a mom, but you need a theme party for a 1 year old? Just put pots and pans down in the floor and let him make his own music. Don’t kids that age love that kind of stuff?
Lastly, good job on your walking! That totally makes up for the kettle corn, so pat yourself on the back.
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Last year my friend had a music themed party for her one year old son and it was GREAT!
I know exactly what you mean about getting to scrapbook and then wishing to do it more!
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3 weeks… eek!!!! Does he watch little Einsteins? They are all about music! That would be a cute theme, if he does. Ummm… or just do a generic music theme (instruments and what not). Hmm… or a nursery rhyme one (all of the ones that are singable “twinkle twinkle” “old macdonald”…etc.)
Ok, that’s all I’ve got!
good luck!!
This is such a coincidence, I woke up this morning thinking, “What is up with Elaine?”
What fun. The roses…beautiful!
They grow up much too fast, don’t they. Purging? Two and through?
Uh oh – did he get sick?
Hope B-man is okay. That picture of him sleeping is so cute. Poor guy!
Great list!
How about a Little Einsteins birthday party? That’s what my little guy had last time around and I have tons of suggestions I could give you.
Good luck with the party planning. I’m in that stage now for Layla’s 1st birthday next month. She has no interest in walking. She’ll push a push toy for awhile but if I try and hold her hand to walk she just sits down. I guess she’ll be the first one of my kids that won’t be walking by their first birthday.
Where DOES time go? He is SUCH a cutie! I love that shot. And I’m totally loving my spring garden as well given the past 6 months of snow and frigid temps. Blech!
Seeing that picture of the rose makes me want summer!! How nice that you have such beautiful weather.