… that I’m sorta getting used to all the rain.
… that the garage door actually works correctly. We no longer have to hold the button down the ENTIRE time the door is going down, until it makes it to the cement ground. (okay, it’s been fixed for a few weeks now, but I still wanted to document it…)
… that I now know to miss the pothole at the corner of Woodvale Ave and Johnston and the one in the right lane on College, a few blocks after I turn right at the light.
… that I mostly know the layout of the grocery store where I usually shop. Although that doesn’t mean I necessarily agree with it.
… that I’ve picked up a prescription at the local drug store for my prenatal vitamins.
… that I’ve been to my first Mom’s Night Out and it went great! Lots of nice ladies.
… that I’ve kinda gotten used to the early morning trash trucks on Tuesday. (I’m talking 5:30 a.m. early here people!)
… that I can remember where the funky placed light switches are in our master bathroom area.
… that I have a regular pedicure place I go.
… that I’ve restablished a new “spot” in the house where I “park it” and do my blogging, snacking, t.v. watching and whatever else
… that I’ve had to clean the bathrooms. (oh surely I’ve done that more than once since we’ve been here… *looking to the ceiling and whistling*)
…we’ve found some regular eating establishments that we really like.
However, I have yet to stop mourning the loss of these fine establishments and amenities.
Costco – Seriously, where else am I supposed to get 8 lbs. of granola at once? And DON’T say Sam’s because I DON’T shop there. (p.s. there is a PERFECT spot for one across from the Super Target. I mean the land is big enough and everything… GAH!)
The Cheesecake Factory – although I didn’t visit THAT often it was nice to know that very close to where I lived there was a FACTORY of cheesecake. So sad. The same goes for Krispy Kreme (a.k.a the donut factory).
Chipotle – The guacamole. Enough said.
Pei Wei – Inexpensive Asian food at it’s best. And brown rice. Oh how I miss thee, my sweet honey seared chicken.
Whole Foods – I will miss your 365 brand all 365 days of this year and the next and the next…
Ulta (at least I haven’t seen one here…) – where else am I supposed to think I am saving money on all my hair products with your $3.50 coupons??
and also a FULL SIZED Babies R Us and JoAnne’s and a selection of several malls with a “play place” for children.
Oh and Central Market (which is a Texas only Whole Foods type store)
I DO realize most of these have something to do with food. But does this really surprise anyone? I’m sure not. I mean even when talking about Costco I mentioned food instead of small appliances or paper products. What can I say? This is me.
So, we have been here long enough now for things to be falling into place but there are still many things that I miss and probably will for a while…
On the positive side, I can guarantee I’m saving some money by not having some of the places listed above near by. Which is a good thing considering our house in Texas still hasn’t sold.
Someone needs a nice 4 bedroom with a renovated kitchen, designer colors and big deck out back right? Please pray they do, and soon!!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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