The other morning I stepped on the scale and glanced down at the number between my feet and a HUGE smile came across my face.
I’ve done it, y’all. I’ve lost 30 pounds!! The number on the scale isn’t lying. All the running. All the “low-carbing”. All the Zumba classes. All the desserts resisted. It was all for this. And to simply feel healthy and better in my own skin.
And on Saturday I will celebrate another birthday and I have to say the timing couldn’t be better as far as I’m concerned. Happy 36th Birthday to me! And yes, I will be having some cake. Counter intuitive perhaps, but I don’t care, I deserve some damn cake!!
Anyway, here are my stats:
Beginning weight: 177.5 lbs.
Weight now: 147.4 lbs.
Beginning clothing size: 14
Clothing size now: 8 (and I bought a pair of size 6 Bermuda shorts the other day! I’ve NEVER had 6s in my closet, EVER!)
I don’t have all my measurements but I can promise you everything is smaller. Especially my bootie. And my ring finger. I need to have my ring re-sized before it falls off somewhere and I lose it! And yes, unfortunately “the girls” are also smaller. But that’s okay, I’ll take it!
Below are pics from when I started this journey and then a photo that Tim took of me just tonight. Quite a difference, huh?
So what’s next? I’d like to loose a FEW more pounds to reach my ultimate goal of being “pretty close” to the recommended weight for my height (which is 135, btw) and maybe make it into the low 140’s. We’ll see. I’m going to continue running and hope to do a half marathon at some point this year. We’ll see on that one too…
Right now I’m just feeling really good about myself and my current habits and I’m happy to celebrate it all. Won’t you join me? Tell me something you’ve accomplished lately that you’re proud of. I want to hear it!!
And I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my girls for their internet inspiration and support including (but probably not limited to) Lisa, Thea, Kirsten, Christy, Brooke, Bari, Beki , Roo, Tiffany, Mendi and Nicole. So, THANK YOU!! If I missed anyone I’m sorry. I’m just high on weight loss…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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