I’m sort of emotional today. I’m officially 35 years old.
The other night Tim mentioned something to me about my birthday and I must’ve given him a “look” because then he said, “You don’t really want this one, do you?”
He knows me too well.
I’ve always loved my birthday. Always.
And I still do. Don’t get me wrong. But for some CUH-RAZY reason, THIRTY-FIVE just isn’t sitting well with me.
I’m trying to put it into words.
Maybe it’s because I know I’m done having children and menopause is up next on my biological clock.
Or perhaps it’s because I’m kinda stuck in a rut right now with the weight loss thing.
Or maybe it’s because this year I don’t get to see my friends back home for a birthday celebration (our annual girls dinner to celebrate a few of our birthdays).
Or it could be the thought that just a week AFTER I turn 35, I’ll be closer to 40 than 30. Yeah, maybe that’s it.
Whatever it is, I’m trying to be better about it all. I do want to celebrate my life and those in it. And I’m generally a really positive and happy person. And I know I’m not “OLD” at all. Thinking that would be ridiculous.
I believe that #3 on the list is one of the primary reasons I’m feeling as I am. My birthday is making me a little homesick again (I’ve been doing SO well!). {hey girls, I miss you!}
And I promised myself after I hit “publish” on this one, I’m going to change my attitude. For myself and for my sons, daughter and husband. This weekend is going to be fun as we celebrate The B Man’s birth, mine and even another friend here.
Maybe I’m not as ready now (that it’s here!) to take on 35 as I claimed last week. But, it’s here and there’s not a darn thing I can do about it but eat cake and celebrate, right?
So anyWHO. Here’s what 35 looks like for me.
Most days it’s something akin to this…
And some days I wear my contacts and put on make-up and it’s more like this.
And please, pay no attention to all the misplaced hairs. Perhaps it’s a metaphor for my life right now. Most things in place, but just a few little things askew.
I hope everyone has a great Spring day today. And please, if you are near some cake go ahead and eat some in my honor! XOXO
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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