Categories: FamilyMisc.WW

So Much to See

It’s just a picture of kids playing in a sprinkler, right?

But once I really looked at this picture I saw so much more.

On the bottom right, the baby boy that we worried for when he was born premature, almost 5 years ago…

My ten and half year-old niece who towers over my boys and wears a silly band as an anklet.

Little G laughing and on the move.

The B Man with his back to the water since he did NOT want it to get in his face.

Cousins together, playing in the same backyard I did, with the same metal sprinkler attachment that sprayed my back during many, many summers.

My Dad’s garden and “junk” (he would call them treasures) in the background.

Memories for me and my kids.

I see all of that in this one photo.

And I am grateful.

Grateful for my family, my parents’ home, my life.

P.S. Check out my guest post at The Red Dress Club!  I’m SO excited to be featured there today! 


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