So Long Summer!

Usually come May or so I want Summer to arrive SO badly that I can almost taste the sand that inevitably ends up in my mouth.  That’s how much I look forward to our beach vacations.

But by the time September rolls around and the humidity has been dripping of my body in the form of back sweat, I’m also good with saying “Sayonara” to Summer and moving on to all things Fall-ish.

We had a great Summer this year that included some great time with family and friends, a lovely family vacation to the gorgeous, oh-so-sandy beaches of Florida and of course my trip to San Diego for BlogHer.

However, this week’s cooler temps have only made me long for falling leaves, dry backs (he he) and things in pie-form, namely pumpkin and pecan.

Before I completely say goodbye to Summer 2011, here are a few of my favorite shots of our days spent in the sun (after applying SPF 150, of course).

p.s. Tim (the hubby) actually took this one!

And one of my VERY favorite shots taken this summer (and also my entry into Parenting for Dummies AWESOME photo contest*)…

My first baby having the time of his life on the beach and taking on Summer with all his little-boy might!  If this shot doesn’t “scream” SUMMER! I don’t know what does!

And now after looking at all these pics I’m ready to go back to Summer again.

Mojito anyone?

p.s. Please, PLEASE, if you read this post and see my pics, leave a comment because this contest is ALL about comment love!  The top 10 posts with the MOST comments get into the finals.  YOU LOVE me enough to leave a comment right?  (I am NOT above begging…xoxo)

*This photo is being entered in the Goodbye Summer, Hello Snapfish photo contest sponsored by Snapfish at parenting BY dummies. If voted the best summer picture I will win a photo canvas and other prizes from Snapfish & pBd.


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