Usually come May or so I want Summer to arrive SO badly that I can almost taste the sand that inevitably ends up in my mouth. That’s how much I look forward to our beach vacations.
But by the time September rolls around and the humidity has been dripping of my body in the form of back sweat, I’m also good with saying “Sayonara” to Summer and moving on to all things Fall-ish.
We had a great Summer this year that included some great time with family and friends, a lovely family vacation to the gorgeous, oh-so-sandy beaches of Florida and of course my trip to San Diego for BlogHer.
However, this week’s cooler temps have only made me long for falling leaves, dry backs (he he) and things in pie-form, namely pumpkin and pecan.
Before I completely say goodbye to Summer 2011, here are a few of my favorite shots of our days spent in the sun (after applying SPF 150, of course).
And one of my VERY favorite shots taken this summer (and also my entry into Parenting for Dummies AWESOME photo contest*)…
My first baby having the time of his life on the beach and taking on Summer with all his little-boy might! If this shot doesn’t “scream” SUMMER! I don’t know what does!
And now after looking at all these pics I’m ready to go back to Summer again.
Mojito anyone?
p.s. Please, PLEASE, if you read this post and see my pics, leave a comment because this contest is ALL about comment love! The top 10 posts with the MOST comments get into the finals. YOU LOVE me enough to leave a comment right? (I am NOT above begging…xoxo)
*This photo is being entered in the Goodbye Summer, Hello Snapfish photo contest sponsored by Snapfish at parenting BY dummies. If voted the best summer picture I will win a photo canvas and other prizes from Snapfish & pBd.
Lovely pictures… The legs are my favorite
Ok, I am leaving a comment just for you!
(Twitter works!) We actually have about two more months left of summer. It was 101 today when I left the house around 5:00. Sheesh! And to think it’s only going to get hotter.
Great shots, Elaine! And yes, that last photo is awesome!
Those beach shots are great! So are the other photos. I am sad to see the summer fun end, but I am SO ready for fall… pumpkins, fall leaves, decorations, etc!!!
Love the pic you entered as well as the one of the 3 kiddos from behind and the cute legs shot. Good luck!
I love these pictures. Makes me want summer to stay longer too and I wasn’t in any of them.
I always love your photos! Your kids are so photogenic & it looks like you had a great time!
GORGEOUS pics!! Good Luck!
That last shot is pure bliss. Love!
Awesome photos! That last shot screams ‘SUMMER!” But the one of the 3 kids, at night, is so sweet.
Pics are gorgeous! Looks like a fab summer!
Pics are gorgeous! Looks like a fab summer!
Your pictures are beautiful, Elaine. But with kids like yours, it’s easy to take beautiful pictures. Love you, girl!
Love, love, love that last shot! So perfect.
Great photos! I hate when summer ends. I wish I could stay on the beach forever!
It looks like you guys had an awesome summer! I love that last picture!
I’m with you – by May I’m ready for Summer, but by September I’m so ready for fall and cooler temps!
Love all the shots – perfect summer-time wrap up!
WW: Little Dude the (Chocolate) Ham
So, do you think you have an unfair advantage, because your kids are so unbelievably cute?
I love the legs picture!
It looks like you had a great summer.
I usually crave beach vacations as well but this summer I found out that being a mom means a new vacation experience. Good bye naps on the beach and cocktail in hand for hard work and an out of routine child, see post
I need a summer vacation from my summer vacation.
Enjoy the rest of our horribly hot Louisiana days of summer!
I am loving our current weather. Cool in the mornings and evenings and warm in the afternoons. Next week we have 97 in our forecast again! Ugh!
That photo is classic. Wedding reception slideshow material for sure.
I wish I could be as happy about fall as you are. I hate to see summer end.
Your kids are gorgeous.
I love your picures! I think the last one and the one of the kids legs lined up are my favorites! But I am not ready to say goodbye to summer yet.
I love these pictures. I wish we could have gone to the coast this summer. Maybe next year.
Also..have I ever told you that G looks JUST LIKE Jeremy’s brother when he was little? So much so that is kind of freaky. I showed Jeremy and his sister pictures of G and they both said, “WOAH! That’s Brad!”.
Anyway, that is a random comment, but I thought of it again when I saw that ADORABLE picture of him with the popsicle.
Also, B on the beach? Love it.
Love all your pics!!! My fav though is the last one. Looks like he is having an amazing time at the beach.
THAT is a great shot. I also love the one with all 3 kids!
Good luck with the contest!
Okay that photo with the feet only and the little girl mug is wonderful. I LOVE it.
I super love that last photo. I hope you have it hanging somewhere.
What a great summer.
And I adore your photos!
I totally agree about the longing for the season that’s right around the corner! Great pictures, love your blog!!
Oh this pics are perfection..but I am very ready for Fall.
So glad for the cooler temps around here too…I wish they would last forever! I love the photo of B that you entered into the contest…it does scream little boy lovin’ his summer!
Great pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Gahhh….LOVE that last shot! Now I know I won’t win the contest…!
Perfectly capture ‘summer’, doesn’t it?
That photo definitely screams summer!! Love it. Happy back to school.
I adore the last photo!! WONDERFUL!!!
I also love the photo with the three kids all together with their backs to the camera!
I want to share a pecan pie with you the next time I see you.
all right gosh dernit…you’re pulling me out of lurkdom!!! Such cute kids…always gorgeous photos!! I’m super busy this fall…Kindergarten room mom and doing a tent for Symposium…so….you have 11 FREE HOURS a week??!! Sounds like a volunteer to me, I’ll be calling!! ;P xo
I love these picture and am so envious of your picture taking talent. The last one, with your boy in the sand and ready for action?…LOVE it!
YAY for you! So much love to you and your kids and your skillz! XO
Absolutely love the photo your hubby took! But all the photos are beautiful!
Well I think the photos are fabulous.. but I’m a little biased because I love the people in them, the photographer and I was there!
Looks like a fabulous summer! I’m sure we’ll still have plenty more of days that feel like summer before it cools off for good!
Oh I still long for summer. I can never get enough of summer. Perhaps it is because our winters last about 6 months. Either way… SUMMER, COME BACK!!!!!
Love the pics! Especially your entry!
THe beach shot of the three is too cute! Wish I were there now.
Great pictures! And I’d love a mojito…or three.
I love the 4th of July shot! Hope my comment isn’t too late for your contest
Love the blue lips. Makes me want a Popsicle!