Okay, okay, I know, horrible title. But sometimes, the truth hurts.
As I eluded to in yesterday’s post my clothes don’t fit.
Also, when I was in the bath last night, I looked like I was still pregnant. And last time I checked, I’m NOT.
I was on track, steadily losing weight UNTIL. The Holidays. Let’s just say I celebrated the birth of Jesus by making myself look like I was going to give birth to Jesus. Lovely.
I didn’t even post the picture of just Tim and I by the Christmas tree because I looked like some sort of RED cow. Moo.
There were the truffles and cookies and peppermint bark and, well lots of FOOD and it ALL seemed to be calling my name.
“Come here Elaine, we are so tasty and good and you know you want to eat until you are all pig-like and stuffed.”
Stupid food.
Sometimes I really hate it. Most of the time I love it TOO MUCH. Therein likes the rub.
Mmmmm… rub, like on ribs.
So why such mad love for food? Because it tastes good.
And maybe {just maybe} because I don’t have a lot of friends here and food tends to take the place.
Or maybe that’s just an excuse and I need to get a grip. On the treadmill that is.
I have gone to the health club twice in the last 4 days. I tried to start the Couch to 10K program again but I need to lose a few more pounds first. The first run was okay but then I came back and looked up the schedule and saw that I’d been too easy on myself.
So, I plan to do the elliptical and the treadmill on and off as well as weights and hopefully on warmer days, walk with the kids too. But soon I WILL run.
I’ve already lost a pound since I’ve changed my eating (and let’s face it, drinking- hot cocoa made with whole milk, wine…) ways.
I can’t completely eliminate all this stuff because if I did I would NOT be fun to live with. But I can TOTALLY cut down and hopefully that will help my waist line cut down too.
Also, I’ve joined the ladies at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans again for their current challenge and I’m determined to make it out of a certain ‘decade’ this time.
I don’t feel good about myself right now and that’s a hard realization. So, I must change. I WILL change.
Thanks for any and all support from this community. I know y’all will give it because you rock like that.
I’m off to drink a glass of water…
Good for you for trying to make a change! I wish you the best of luck in preparing for your 10K!
I’m fat too if it makes you feel any better…and I’m kind of on the fence about whether or not I’m going to fix it just yet.
Even though my clothes don’t fit…and I don’t like the way I look…I don’t want to stop eating.
So sad.
I know.
Chug that water!!
I think you are headed in the right direction and I KNOW you can do this! I totally get the lonely + food.
Oh my gosh…you just took the words out of my mouth.
I’m checking out this “shrinking jeans” sisterhood and I am also doing the couch to 10k (or did I start at the couch to 5k plan?).
Anyway…my goal is to hit the gym 3 days a week. I want/need to!
I’m laughing because I just wrote a very similar post to this – about how I look pregnant after all the holiday indulging. Haha. But, like you, I love food. Good luck to you! I’m going to be on a mission too.
I just adore you and I think we are living the same life, except you picked a warmer state.
I too was losing nicely until the holidays.
we will get there!
I’m with Lissa. Chug the water.
Moving is hard. I’ve done it more than I want to remember, and there were also more pounds than I want to remember.
Hang in there. Start slow. I love the Sisterhood.
I’m still chunky and I had my baby 15 months ago. SO yeah, we can talk about this when I see you this weekend (SQUEALLLLLLLL!!!!!) but girl, you are in the EXACT same place I was ONE year ago. Not to scare you at all, but no matter how quickly I wanted my hips and my uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy size, no matter the weight I lost and the exercise I did, my hips did their own thing and it’s only recently that my hips have shrunk.
My baby is 15 months old.
I love you girl. Cut yourself a little slack- you just had a baby.
The weight will come off. Some of us just have to work a little harder at it : ).
Good luck losing weight and getting back in shape. But really woman, you need to cut yourself some slack….you did just have a baby after all!!
At least you can say you had a baby…mine is turning 4 and I weight more now than I did when I got pregnant with her….since starting the photograpy biz and so much time sent here on the computer my butt has gotten a bit chunky. I will cheer you on and hope to be encouraged by your willingness so I too can do something about it.
I am totally with you hun. My weight loss program starts today.
Just remember you just had a baby a few months ago and arent getting the sleep you need. I couldnt do anything until my sleep was back to normal…….and even then I pigged out.
Good luck! It sucks not to feel good about yourself, but you can change it. I’m right behind you! I need to makeup with Jillian. We had a falling out a few months back.
Girl you are not alone! What’s funny was when you said “Therein lies the rub” – my first thought was ribs. How sad is that?! I’ve decided to cut back and do some things different this year – because I need to and I’m not happy with myself either.
Wish you the best on your own journey. Mine looks like NO fast food and just cutting back and trying to make smarter choices. If I call it a “diet” I’ll be in the McDonald’s drive thru in no time.
Here’s to a thinner us! (o:
Mine’s 2 and I’m 25 lbs heavier now than after I had her. Ugh. I’m an emotional eater, too, and I love food (particulary breads and stuff like that) The Sisterhood is awesome and you’ll get lots of support there.
You are way ahead of me, Kamden was 2 before I layed down the law on myself. You can do it! go ahead and run now however much you can. You don’t need to follow that program to the letter. Any little bit will help. Walking on an incline is also a good way to burn calories.
When I started on the elliptical, I did 2 min hard, 1 minute easy for 30 min. Then as it got easier I bumped it up to 3 min hard, 1 easy. It’s all about bumping it up!
Go Elaine!
cheering you on!
You can totally do it!! Wanting to do it is a huge first step, for sure. It took me a bit to lose my weight after the third baby, but I did it just by cutting back a bit and doing the 30 Day Shred (a couple times, lol). I’m definitely at the front of the group cheering you on!!!
The holidays were a downfall to me too, I easily ate 10 lbs of sugar…not good in so many ways.
Glad to see you are on board with the Sisters….there are an amazing bunch of women who make me WANT to do better….not just for myself but for them! I’m gonna be cheering you on!
You can do it! Any time you need a little encouragement or butt-kicking, just holler. We’ll all be here.
oh good grief Elaine, I just loved that line about celebrating the baby Jesus by making yourself look like you were going to birth him! I so needed a little chuckle today… and that is such a true statement about all of us at that time of year! I think I may post something of that nature on my fridge next christmas!!!
YOU CAN DO THIS…. YOU WILL DO THIS…. and you will probably make some friends at the health club… I know that I have! I’ll be here to cheer you on for sure!
Now I’m going to read about this challenge you mentioned while I drink a big glass of water too!
Sweetie! You JUST had a baby!!!! Go easy on yourself! But yay for working out and wanting to lose weight. It is NOT easy. I struggle with this immensely, too. Heck, I still use “But I just had a baby…” as my excuse, and my youngest is turning 2 in two weeks! So yeah, I suck at weight loss. I’ve lost 16 pounds in the last few weeks, but doing a no-carb diet, which is great right now, but once I start eating carbs, not so good… I just wish I could maintain a nice weight, you know? Ahh, anyway: Good luck to you!!!!! xo
You can do it Elaine! You are worth all the effort and the sacrifices and what will surely be some bad days. Don’t beat yourself up when you give in to temptation, just start over the next day. I can’t wait to read about your successes.
You are NOT fat! Because if you’re fat that means I must be fat…and I’m NOT. Got it? Well okay, maybe that’s not quite true. Okay, I need to be inspired by you. Go Elaine!
Everyone feels fat this time of year. Instead of thinking of it as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change. I’m doing this right now, too…I have a feeling we are going to be some smokin’ hot babes come this summer!
First, you aren’t fat.
Second, good for you for doing something if you are unhappy. I’m trying to work out more, too!
And, good food certainly is an EVIL temptation.