It was pretty good, I have to say.
Many of my friends were there and the sessions I went to (3) were quite good. Especially the session within in a session with Cheryl Dumesnil where we talked about creative writing, and she used poems as examples. That was really great! And I loved the small group of about a dozen of us, reading the poems and talking about them, and the use of certain elements of writing.
I was inspired by that.
I was also inspired by seeing my friend Kristin Shaw read her piece, More Than Words, for Voices of the Year. Wow, right?
I was inspired by 10 x 10 speeches that came out of the fact that this was the 10th anniversary of BlogHer. I was inspired by The Bloggess‘ words and the fact that she was on stage in front of so many of us. I was inspired to get more sleep by Arianna Huffington.
quote from Shannon Des Roches Rosa during her 10 x 10 talk
You know what’s really funny though?
I think I was the only person there with a REAL camera besides those hired to photograph the conference. We’ve gone moblie, people, in a BIG way. I am sure I am wrong about that but I can tell you right now, I saw NO ONE lugging around their big Nikon or Canon and as a photographer, that is an interesting fact to me. Even I took all my non-phone photos with my Sony point-n-shoot, which did a pretty bang-up job and is still better than a phone, in my opinion.
What else…
Oh the food was only so-so this time around. Yes, it was nice not to have to stand in a buffet line but I really like food and frankly there just wasn’t enough of it on the table, especially on Saturday. Plus, no dessert! What? That’s right, I had to find a treat via my own devices so I dragged Jennifer to Psycho Donuts with me, after lunch on Saturday and yes, we did miss Kerry Washington. But man, my sweet tooth won out. And my “headbanger” donut was SO worth it.
I do have to say, the parties were really good this year. From the first one on Thursday night (see below) to the amazing one on Saturday night, I had a really good time at them all. Looks like my girls were participating in the #Selfiebration! (I personally adore this photo – it’s so a sign of the times, right?)
And kudos to whoever chose to have RevRun DJ the last party. He was AMAZING and got everyone in such a great mood with his awesome music mixing. I’ve never seen that many “Blog Her”s in the air, dancing to “Jump Around” before in my life. It was awesome! 🙂
But, even after saying all of that, y’all know THE main reason I go to these things and that’s for the friends. I would be nothing without them. They light up my blogging life and well, my whole life in general. Blogging has given me an amazing community of support and inspiration and I probably say that all the time but it is true. And times like these simply reinforce that community for me over and over again.
Highlights in the video below include but are not limited to, meeting and hugging Melisa Wells (helper EXTRAORDINAIRE in producing our LTYM show), Arnebya dancing behind Neil, and watching Jennifer carry away her VOTY post board. 🙂
And these ladies below? They rock my world in so many ways and I am proud to call them friends. Just like I said on Facebook, internet friends ARE completely real. Thank you to BlogHer for bringing us together…
Top Row: Kristin, Angela, Greta Center: Jennie, Arnebya, Tonya Bottom: Me, Jennifer, Katie, Leigh Ann, Poppy
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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