It was pretty good, I have to say.
Many of my friends were there and the sessions I went to (3) were quite good. Especially the session within in a session with Cheryl Dumesnil where we talked about creative writing, and she used poems as examples. That was really great! And I loved the small group of about a dozen of us, reading the poems and talking about them, and the use of certain elements of writing.
I was inspired by that.
I was also inspired by seeing my friend Kristin Shaw read her piece, More Than Words, for Voices of the Year. Wow, right?
I was inspired by 10 x 10 speeches that came out of the fact that this was the 10th anniversary of BlogHer. I was inspired by The Bloggess‘ words and the fact that she was on stage in front of so many of us. I was inspired to get more sleep by Arianna Huffington.
quote from Shannon Des Roches Rosa during her 10 x 10 talk
You know what’s really funny though?
I think I was the only person there with a REAL camera besides those hired to photograph the conference. We’ve gone moblie, people, in a BIG way. I am sure I am wrong about that but I can tell you right now, I saw NO ONE lugging around their big Nikon or Canon and as a photographer, that is an interesting fact to me. Even I took all my non-phone photos with my Sony point-n-shoot, which did a pretty bang-up job and is still better than a phone, in my opinion.
What else…
Oh the food was only so-so this time around. Yes, it was nice not to have to stand in a buffet line but I really like food and frankly there just wasn’t enough of it on the table, especially on Saturday. Plus, no dessert! What? That’s right, I had to find a treat via my own devices so I dragged Jennifer to Psycho Donuts with me, after lunch on Saturday and yes, we did miss Kerry Washington. But man, my sweet tooth won out. And my “headbanger” donut was SO worth it.
I do have to say, the parties were really good this year. From the first one on Thursday night (see below) to the amazing one on Saturday night, I had a really good time at them all. Looks like my girls were participating in the #Selfiebration! (I personally adore this photo – it’s so a sign of the times, right?)
And kudos to whoever chose to have RevRun DJ the last party. He was AMAZING and got everyone in such a great mood with his awesome music mixing. I’ve never seen that many “Blog Her”s in the air, dancing to “Jump Around” before in my life. It was awesome!
But, even after saying all of that, y’all know THE main reason I go to these things and that’s for the friends. I would be nothing without them. They light up my blogging life and well, my whole life in general. Blogging has given me an amazing community of support and inspiration and I probably say that all the time but it is true. And times like these simply reinforce that community for me over and over again.
Highlights in the video below include but are not limited to, meeting and hugging Melisa Wells (helper EXTRAORDINAIRE in producing our LTYM show), Arnebya dancing behind Neil, and watching Jennifer carry away her VOTY post board.
And these ladies below? They rock my world in so many ways and I am proud to call them friends. Just like I said on Facebook, internet friends ARE completely real. Thank you to BlogHer for bringing us together…
Top Row: Kristin, Angela, Greta Center: Jennie, Arnebya, Tonya Bottom: Me, Jennifer, Katie, Leigh Ann, Poppy
I’m so glad you brought your camera! I thought about bringing my nikon but I know I wouldn’t have used it. Your little point and shoot was perfect. You’re such a big part of my life and I’m honestly so filled to the brim from this trip.
It was perfect. Although sometimes I had wished the photo was on my phone! And there is an app for that but I was too lazy to deal with that…
I’m so glad we were able to spend time together. <3
Aww I wish I had been there it looks like you all had so much fun. Maybe some day i’ll get there, though I’m so glad that I got to a blogging conference this year.
Julia recently posted…It’s Real
I’m so glad you were able to go to one too but it would have been AWESOME if it could have been this one (besides the dessert issue…)
So close and yet so far. I’m in LA, but couldn’t make it to BlogHer this year because of a long-planned family reunion in Palm Desert.
I still can’t believe the timing.
But I’m so glad you were all there hugging each other for real.
Thanks for the recap.
Retro hugs from me to everyone.
julie gardner recently posted…Provisional
Shoot! I would have LOVED to meet you and hang out, Julie! Hopefully next year…
Hugs back atcha!
I brought my real camera to BlogU and I’m so glad about that! The phone did not do most of any justice at all.
Tamara recently posted…Almost Completely Wordless Wednesday: Zoo Oddities.
You should be glad. Phones just cannot live up to what REAL cameras can do. Not yet anyway!
I loved being your roommate again, and while I’m extremely grateful for your camera, I’m even more grateful for you. You are a great friend. I love that we can do these types of things together.
Jennifer recently posted…Favorite Things About #BlogHer14
Of course you loved being my roommate, I don’t snore! WHEE!
Seriously, you know I love you and that I am SUPER thankful to have found a friend (and roomie) like you.
Love your recap, glad you had a great time and had someone to sneak out for a donut with!
Jessica recently posted…When your family grows
Funny, I wasn’t sure she was going to go for it. But I love her even more that she did.
Thanks, Jessica! xo
Oh, love your photos, Elaine! I would have brought my big camera with me. If I had gone, that is. And if I *had* a big camera, of course.
Oh well. Maybe one day. (For both.)

Glad you had such a great time with so many wonderful friends. And YES – online friends are TOTALLY real friends.
Kim recently posted…The Gift of Brothers
Thank you, Kim. I wish you had been there too, that would have been more amazing! Someday!
My favorite part about conferencing is meeting my people! How have we not met yet?!?!
I love that the big cameras are out, in a way..I mean it’s nice to have mine, but I stink at using it, so it’s iphone like 95% of the time!
No desserts? That’s a shame!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Pirate Themed Baby Room
I don’t know! Maybe because you keep having babies…
Beautiful, precious girl babies!
We’ll meet someday, I just know it!
Okay – now I need a donut. Missed going this year ONLY because I missed seeing all of yous. xoxo
tracy recently posted…The Blank Page
You were missed for sure, my friend!
You are really awesome my dear friend, and your photos (with the real, live camera) are da bomb!
Lady Jennie recently posted…Love Trumps Doctrine
You’re awesome too! MWAH!
And thank you, love…
Crap, I’m getting weepy again. It was such a fun and amazing time. The word amazing is so overused, but it was just that. Amazing.
I do agree though – Friday we had a table full of ALL THE SANDWICHES, and then Saturday the salad with fruit. And everyone at my table took everything but the melons and I hate melons. I would have killed for a donut, but I went and took a nap. I regret nothing.
Leigh Ann recently posted…sick stories, AKA let’s make sure kids #GoBackHealthy
A nap is pretty equal to a donut, in my opinion. Isn’t it awesome that we had the freedom to choose with no one nagging to do different?
It was pretty amazing. I’m SO glad you were finally there!
Kinda pissed that I didn’t get any of that donut.
So glad I got to meet you and the rest of the posse. Thanks for letting me hang. BTW, I kept forgetting to tell you that I’m reading “We’ll Always Have Paris” — had it with me in my bag the whole time.
Tammy Soong recently posted…How Not to Read Your #BlogHer #VOTY Speech
Girl, you missed out!
Glad I got to meet you too and hope you’re liking the book!
p.s. you can hang ANYTIME!! xo
I love that you admit you go for the people. I do too. I’m not opposed to making new connections, but I just wanted to hug and hang with friends. Loved our pool day and thank you for being our photographer. Sadly, My phone was only full of stupid selfies.
Yep, that’s pretty much my number one reason! And I would like to see those selfies too!
I love that you had your camera. It made me feel special and retro. I miss you already and wish we’d had just one more day. Just one.
Arnebya recently posted…#BlogHer14: Traveling, Enjoying, Returning, Continuing
I am SO glad it made you feel that way! I love to take your picture!
Yes, one more day would have been awesome… miss you too!
Ooooh, I love the selfie photo, that is hilarious! And I’m pretty dang jealous of all these posts mentioning Psycho Donuts. That’s like two of my favorite things together in the same place. How could I have missed it? Argh.
Girl, I’m very sorry for you that you missed the donuts. I went back and got more before I left on Sunday. They were SO good!!
TEARS. Good ones. xoxo
Andrea recently posted…Don’t Say It