Every week I receive an email in my inbox that updates me on my pregnancy and the progress of the baby’s growth, etc. I realized after 20 weeks (I’ve been getting the updates since I was 5 weeks pregnant) that the comparison of baby’s size each week is basically like a trip to the produce section of the grocery store. Because EVERY week, they compare my baby’s growth to some fruit or vegetable. Well, except for week 13 in which the baby was the size of “a medium shrimp.” Okay, so we ventured into the seafood department for one week but otherwise, here’s some of the other things my baby has been compared to…
Week 6 – lentil bean
Week 10 – Kumquat (a what?)
Week 14 – lemon
Week 17 – turnip
Week 19 – heirloom tomato
Week 23 – large mango
And this week (week 25), yes, a rutabaga. When I saw this first I giggled and then I googled. Who in the world really even knows what the H.E. double hockey sticks a rutabaga really is? God bless Wikipedia. Of course I’m pretty sure my baby is a lot cuter than a dried up root vegetable that’s similar to a turnip.
While I understand that this is probably the best way for them to compare, if we get to a watermelon by week 40, I’m going to be REALLY upset.
Here’s a blurry, “I don’t have time for any other pics right now” belly shot at 24.5 weeks. In other words, pre-rutabaga.
Oh and just so y’all know, I found more cute baby girl shoes HERE. The force is STRONG here people. I will NOT be able to resist much longer…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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