Every week I receive an email in my inbox that updates me on my pregnancy and the progress of the baby’s growth, etc. I realized after 20 weeks (I’ve been getting the updates since I was 5 weeks pregnant) that the comparison of baby’s size each week is basically like a trip to the produce section of the grocery store. Because EVERY week, they compare my baby’s growth to some fruit or vegetable. Well, except for week 13 in which the baby was the size of “a medium shrimp.” Okay, so we ventured into the seafood department for one week but otherwise, here’s some of the other things my baby has been compared to…
Week 6 – lentil bean
Week 10 – Kumquat (a what?)
Week 14 – lemon
Week 17 – turnip
Week 19 – heirloom tomato
Week 23 – large mango
And this week (week 25), yes, a rutabaga. When I saw this first I giggled and then I googled. Who in the world really even knows what the H.E. double hockey sticks a rutabaga really is? God bless Wikipedia. Of course I’m pretty sure my baby is a lot cuter than a dried up root vegetable that’s similar to a turnip.
While I understand that this is probably the best way for them to compare, if we get to a watermelon by week 40, I’m going to be REALLY upset.
Here’s a blurry, “I don’t have time for any other pics right now” belly shot at 24.5 weeks. In other words, pre-rutabaga.
And no, that’s not my belly button poking out (mine never pops out), just the closure for my already-too-tight pants.
Oh and just so y’all know, I found more cute baby girl shoes HERE. The force is STRONG here people. I will NOT be able to resist much longer…
A rutabaga?
That doesn’t even sound good.
What about a small cantaloupe?
Anyhoo…you are carrying some precious cargo.
Can’t wait to meet her and her closet full of shoes!!!
That is hilarious…a rutabaga!
Also scary?
I knew what that was. We all hicks up here in Sask-AT-che-Wan
What a cute rutabaga belly you’ve got goin on there!!
Haha! You must be subscribing to the same one that I subscribed to when I was first pregnant. I remembered yelling out to my husband that the “experts” think that our baby is now the size of a grape!
ahhh, i remember those updates. i also remembermy husband wandering around the produce department trying to figure out what some of those items where! ha ha ha!
as for a kumkuat… ask brittany (mommee and her boys) about them. if i remember correctly she really likes them.

Look at your cute little round belly
I so can’t wait to have another baby. You got my clock goin lady!! 
The fruit and veggie comparisons are funny…and just so you know…I didn’t know what a Rutabaga was either.
That is so funny. Love baby belly… And that girl stuff, man is it hard to resist. It still is for me…
Heehee… love your belly pic, you’re so cute!
I also loved reading about what the size of my baby in comparison to food was!
That is an odd choice of food, isn’t it?!
Your belly looks so sweet and the shoe site looks dangerous for moms with bay girls
Who the hell comes up with this? Seriously, some old dorky MAN that has no freakin clue what he is talking about.
Your belly shot is adorable by the way.
Those shoes are pretty cute! So is your belly.
My belly button never popped out either.
Your bump is adorable.
I not only know what rutabega is, I find it very tasty.
Hugs to you and the root vegetable you’re cultivating. I think we need more belly pics, not much is cuter than a baby belly. (except for the daycare lady who shows up to pick up kids at Monkey’s school everyday with a wagon full of babies – three little ones in a red wagon. NOTHING is cuter than a wagon full of babies, I always say)
lol! i remember getting the rutabega email!
Gotta have your appreciation for your root vegetables.
And you look great. I love your shirt.
That’s a fab maternity shirt! And you and I are the same….my belly button never popped either!
I love the reference to veggies and fruits!! I have 2 turnips in me! yay!!! I feel like I have 2 watermelons though….
Love the shirt, makes me want to shop!
Hehe. My belly button never pops out either!
I have no idea what a rutabaga looks like but I do know that your baby bump is so cute!
aww and I have a lemon!!!
You look great, mama!