Size Matters.

I am talking about family size.  Just to clarify that right away…


So yeah, apparently it does.  Matter.  The size of you family, that is.

I was chatting with some friends the other day about this and someone mentioned that three is not really an ideal number of kids because then there is always an “odd man out” when it comes to them playing, etc.

And it can be true, at least from what I have seen around here.  Sometimes the boys are playing together and refuse to include K.  And sometimes B and K will be bonding and exclude G.  It happens.  And I have to say it’s pretty rare that the two younger ones leave B out.  They both like him a lot and well, the oldest kid is just cool, you know?  But sometimes he does go to a friend’s house to play or go off to read on his own and the younger two are forced together.  But they secretly like it.  And then, G gets to be the “big” one!

I don’t really see anything wrong with any of the above scenarios.  The boys do not have to include K every time.  Sometimes they just need their “guy time”.  And she has learned to play on her own partly for this reason.  Also, it is good that sometimes B takes his leave of them and does his own thing, of course.

The only time we really do experience a bit of a problem is if  G is not included   He does NOT like to be left out.  He’s NOT a loner AT ALL.  So yes, that can cause dissent.  Like the crying, screaming kind.

Honestly, sometimes I wish he would have been a twin so he would have had a “buddy” to pal around with all the time.  Is that a weird thought or what?  Plus, he would always have someone to snuggle with instead of coming to my bed practically every night… but of course that was not meant to be.

Anyway….  we are done having children and we do have THREE, whether it is the best set up or not I cannot say because it is the only experience and dynamic that I know for MY family.

Now, I did grow up as one of four myself, but never really had anyone to play with because A) they were all boys and B) they were MUCH older than me (sorry guys, it’s true).   So I would say that birth order and ages of the children also have a little to do with how your kids “get along” and are raised.

My children are close enough in age to play together and have some similar interests.  That was not really the case for me.

And thankfully they can even play different things next to each other at times.


Of course after this was taken, not 2 minutes later, G had an epic meltdown since B accidentally smashed some of his Legos.  Sometimes things don’t go perfectly now matter how many kids you have…

What size family do you have or think is ideal?  How well do your kids play together?

P.S. I have a little letter I wrote to my “home” state up over at Tonya’s place.  I’d love for you to visit me there! 😀


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