Categories: ElaineMisc.Singing

Sing Out

One of the things I love to do is sing.  It is not something that I talk about here very often, but it is a passion of mine.

And I am not talking about just singing in the shower or singing in the van or singing in the rain (although I love doing all of those as well).

I am talking about singing for others (besides my family) to hear me, singing on “stage” in some form or fashion.

It has been a long time since I sang on a formal stage besides an altar.

I have sung for pay at both weddings and funerals and in church since I was a pre-teen.

I have been standing in front of others, singing psalms, hymns and carols for many years now and it never gets old.

Last weekend as I walked into the back room in our church where we store all of our choral books, robes, etc. my choir director was standing right there and asked me if I would mind singing the Psalm* for the day.  I had never looked at it before so I was a little nervous to say yes but I told her I would try it.

So during our quick rehearsal before church I practiced it twice with the choir and that was it.  I felt like I knew it well enough but I was still pretty anxious when I got up to the altar at that point in the mass.

Before I went up I said a little prayer, asking God to watch over me and calm my nerves and help me to get the notes and words right.

And I nailed it.

Now, I am not necessarily saying my prayer was answered (although it does kinda feel that way).  I am saying that it felt so good to know that I CAN do that.

I am not trying to brag or say that I am the best singer or sight-reader or choir member.  No, no.

What I am trying to say is that I was really proud of myself.  And I am trying to remember to celebrate the good in me and appreciate the things I know I do well versus having negative thoughts about myself that bring me down.

Maybe this post will not be that well received because I am praising myself instead of playing the “woe is me” card.  I feel like those seem to be the most popular posts out there.

But why is that? Is it because we all like to wallow in the not-so-good stuff?

I am not sure why but I can tell you that I am pretty tired of it!

It seems so many times that we can talk about what we love about others but we cannot seem to do the same for ourselves.  Why IS that?  And what is wrong with tooting your own horn every-now and again?

Well, guess what?!  NOTHING!

I am a good singer.  I always have been and hopefully always will be.  Many times I think about getting into a recording studio someday and creating my own versions of some of my favorite songs for my kids to be able to hear later on down the road.  I love that I can share my voice with others and I am thankful for the talent I have.

belting out a song in the van (it’s all good, hubby was driving…)

So, PLEASE tell me, what do you KNOW that you do well and/or love about yourself?

*the Psalm is the part of the mass between the two readings that is a Psalm from the Bible, usually sung or chanted but sometimes spoken as well.

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