Categories: Friends

Short & Sweet (both the post and the visit)

My friend Kirsten and her girls were here for about a day and half, passing through during their #insaneroadtrip across this great country of ours.

Kirsten and I originally met in April 2010 when I went to TX to meet up with a bunch of my blogging/tweeting/running friends…

Anyway, while here we fed her Cajun food (well, actually “the original Cajun” restaurant in our area fed her, but you know what I mean), took her and the girls to the zoo and gave her wine and cookies.  In other words, we treated her right. 😉

Unfortunately I was not feeling too well last night so I turned in WAY early and then she and the girls got up WAY early this morning to continue their travels (12-hour drive today!).  But, Tim made Kirsten coffee and sent our friends on their way.  He’s awesome like that.

I’m bummed that we did not get a picture of our SIX kids together, it just didn’t happen.  Thankfully I do have this photo taken with Tim’s phone (I took NO pictures while she was here – how sad is that?!?!) of her and me the first night they were here.

By the way, her girls are SO well behaved and The B Man was quite sad to know they had to leave so soon. I believe Tim told Kirsten at least 3 times that they are welcome back ANY time.  The kids played well together and Kirsten’s youngest LOVED the train track we had set up on the living room floor.

Anyway, much love to our friends on their continued travels and we are SO very glad we got to see you all!  Be safe…


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