She’s Got Legs/Miss Elaine-ous Monday

I go to our gym 2-3 times a week to run, cross train or take zumba, etc.  The place we go here in Laffy, is quite unique in that it is owned by an individual and has grown a lot since he opened the doors in 1963.  Not to mention “he” is a former Mr. Universe.  The place is more like a country club in some aspects and it is also where the kids take swim lessons and where we go swimming in the summer.

Honestly, when we move from here someday, Red’s is one of the places I will surely miss the most.

All this to say, that sometimes I still feel a bit out of place in the gym.  I mean, I am very comfortable for the most part because several of my friends are also members and I’m pretty sure most of them know by now that I’m not “fakin'” it at this point – ha!  BUT.  Sometimes I still catch myself looking around at some of the other women, thinking, “wow, if only…”  You know, like “if only I had her arms, if only I had her tiny waist, If only I had her… legs.”  It’s just human nature.

And yes, that last one mentioned is the body part that I am usually the most jealous of and hateful toward, on my own body.  My LEGS.

I definitely have a love/hate relationship with them.  I mean, I pretty much have to love them since they keep me running and have taken me quite a few miles.  BUT. (and this is a big “but”…) I quite hate the way they look.  I run and exercise a decent amount and they still have an abundance of cellulite.  Plus, they are short.  I’ve always wished they were longer.  And while we are on the subject, I cannot STAND my knees.  They are chubby and just well, blech.

BUT (another big one…) my legs ARE strong, and getting faster.  They are workable and let me abuse them somewhat.  They take me all kinds of places and keep me walking, running and chasing after my kids.  Not to mention they are the only pair I will ever have so I kinda have to love ’em for what they DO for me, even if I am not so fond of their composition.

Besides.  I have really good hair.


p.s. right as I was taking this photo in the gym mirror I saw a woman “catch” me.  For some reason I was embarrassed.  Has this ever happened to you? I hope she wasn’t looking at my legs… 

Andy hey, looky there, once again it’s Miss Elaine-ous Monday!!

Remember, ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new! 🙂 

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