I took this photograph of Baby K while on our family trip to New Orleans last month.
I don’t think I posted it here before now. And I just HAD to for a few reasons:
1. I LOVE it. Like with my heart.
2. It’s a pretty awesome photo and kinda makes me feel like a “photographer” (even though I don’t really think I am).
3. I think the colors are to die for. (I made her sit in front of this turquoise door).
4. It’s of MY baby girl.
*I used a few new skills learned at Bloggy Boot Camp, during the talk on SEO, in the title of this post. One, put things in your title that people will search for and second, if linking up to a carnival, put that part second in your title. Thank you Angela, you really do rock.
She certainly is cuter than Bristol Palin’s baby.
Her hair is getting so long. I am going to miss her sweet chicken fluff hair.
she’s adorable! way cuter…
That is the best SEO title I’ve ever seen.
The baby is cuter than the title is smart though.
that is one amazing shot!!! Cutest subject and great color!!
Beautiful picture. I love the colours. And your little girl is SO photogenic!
oh she is a doll!! great picture!!
elaine..in one of your posts you said she looked just like her daddy…you know what? from the word ‘go’…i think she’s a ‘mini you’…seriously..what a gorgeous picture
You definitely need to frame that one if you haven’t already!
I love the color of that door! I think you have a photographer’s eye!
Great tips and she is beautiful.
That is an AMAZING shot!! For sure worth framing & displaying!
Your baby girl is very photographic. The camera really loves her. A Diva is born! Happy WW and I’m following you. Hope you can come visit my fairly new meme Monday’s Music Moves Me! It’s tons of fun.
Bristol Palin will probably get you some pretty good SEO. Sorta like Russell Brand might be doing for me, right?! Great shot!
This is such a beautiful photo. I agree…the colors are just to die for! I would probably have this one framed if I were you
that really is an awesome photo of an adorable little gal. WTG Elaine!
Love the title!
Love the cutie.
Love the colors.
so cute.