When I think of the word “serene” I think of still waters. Like a lake, with mountains behind.
I also think of quiet and calm.
Which, if you’ve been to my little spot here on the interwebby before, (and many of you have) you probably know “quiet and calm” don’t fit into my vocabulary too often.
Three kids. All in different stages. Two boisterous boys. One toddler girl. You get it.
One place I find quiet and calm? While running. Okay, so there is usually music playing in my ears but that’s okay. It’s my music. Music of my own choosing. Yes, “music to my ears”…
And I as I run and focus on my breath – in and out- and even as the sweat runs down my elbow, I find calm in the fact that I CAN do this. I CAN run.
I’m doing my first 10K this weekend, on Saturday morning and I’m both excited and anxious but I’m also just happy to find my quiet and calm place even if it is with Lady Gaga pounding in my ears. My own serenity.
And sometimes when I’m running, I even feel a little like I’m flying. Like the angel above.
I love this spot, near one section of the river that runs through this town. That’s where the statue is. I love the fact that “she” is a mother like me. And I also find serenity there…
*This post was inspired by one of my biggest running inspirations, Lisa at Growing Up Mo. Love you girl. May we BOTH have good runs this weekend. xo
And thank you Beth, for inspiring me to write what I feel, along with my photographs…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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