I will always remember my third-grade program. Beneath the harsh neon lights of the cafeteria stage I sang my heart out to the song “Calendar Girls”. The stinky boy right in front of me told me I sang to loud. I replied “too bad”. I had a little solo and was so happy to sing in for all the parents whose faces I could only see in dark silhouette.
I also remember the busy cafeteria at lunch time and swapping fruit roll ups with my friends and safety patrol and p.e. and my friend Michelle leaving class early one day because her mom had a baby. I was so jealous.
I read Sweet Valley High books and talked when I should not have and realized I needed glasses when I discovered that I could no longer see my teacher’s handwriting on the board clearly anymore (or for a while).
There was kickball and “student of the week” and the “pit” (a really neat reading area with fun pillows) in our school library and my class gathered around while Mr. Grote read to us in his amazingly animated voice. Third grade was also the year I cried at the end of “Where the Red Fern Grows.”
I recall all of these things fondly because I really loved school as a child. I enjoyed being with my friends during the day and even learning and most of my teachers. I remember being a bit distressed early on about math, especially fractions but otherwise school was my thing.
Maybe that is why I was so very nervous (at first) about pulling my boys out of their traditional public school and putting them somewhere different. But we have taken a leap of faith and done just that.
A husband and wife teacher team here in town have offered up their skills and lives to teach my children and a few others in a home school-type setting.
I never mentioned on here that I considered home schooling at least Ben* at the start of this year. However, after much research and internal searching I felt like it was just not something I could or even wanted to do. Is that selfish? I don’t know. But what I do know is that this new school shows amazing promise. And it is not me doing it. Which I believe, is a good thing.
And, we are excited as a family to begin anew.
Part of me will really miss the public school environment, I won’t lie. The school parties, the performances. Even a boring-ish PTA meeting here and there. But in the end I have to do what I feel is right for my children and at this time, this is it.
Praying and hoping for a great year ahead for all of our little students!
*just so you know, I believe that all parents that are involved in their kids’ education do a least a little “home schooling” even if their children attend school outside of the home. I know we do…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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