Saturday was the big day for our pictures and Christina was so wonderful to work with! She’s posted some of our shots here. We plan to get together later this week to see them all and introduce our kiddos to each other. (Yes kids, play amongst yourselves while we look at the pics!) I am so excited! Here we are together.

Thanks again Christina and I can’t wait to see the rest!

We had a pretty good long weekend. It was nice to have Tim home for several days (he took Friday off too) and we got a few things done around the house. Unfortunately his foot is still bothering him quite a bit but he saw an Orthopedist on Friday and the doctor said that is to be expected. He’s still having to soak it and wrap it up in an Ace bandage. He did a little too much yesterday so last night he was in quite a bit of pain. Let’s just all pray that it gets better soon and heals well.
We had some friends and family over yesterday. Tim loves to use his smoker and he bbq’ed a couple of chickens and some ribs. They were GOOD! Tim’s brother Brian and his girlfriend, Darlene, brought her cute little dog Emily and another puppy that she got for a friend. The puppy was so cute!! I wanted to keep her! But, she wasn’t mine, so… The kids had a blast playing in our two little kiddie pools and a fun sprinkler I bought the other day.

I think Ben was asleep before I even closed his door last night and he went to bed early too! I love the days when the kids just sack out from true and well-earned tiredness!

Here are some moments that we captured during the day.

Little G and the puppy, Belle, seemed to like each other.

The B Man “swam” off and on for about 5 hours.

He did take a break to spray those of us up on the deck with the sprinkler. Look how big my first baby is getting!! AHHH!

Little G wasn’t too sure about the sprinkler but he had a great time going down the little slide into the baby pool.

And he enjoyed his first watermelon quite a bit, I might add.

After Ben and his friend C finally got out of the water they enjoyed some quiet time together. Tim took this picture and I just love it!

Hope everyone had a great long weekend and time to rest and relax with family and/or friends. I’ve said extra prayers for those serving our country as well as their families.


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