Categories: blogherhomereview

Samsung Home #BlogHer14

I think my kids open the refrigerator door about 502 times a day.  And the dishwasher in my house is probably my most used appliance.  And no, I don’t mean one of the kids or the husband.  I mean my ACTUAL dishwasher.  We are close friends.  (although I am gently encouraging forcing the kids to help me a little more with that chore these days).

My clothes washer and dryer have plenty of turns to work as well and when you have kids who tend to use their clothes as napkins (surely I am NOT the only one!) and still have the occasional “accident”, a good washer is especially needed.

Being a parent with active kids (aren’t we all?)  is probably why I was so impressed with the attractive and super useful appliances that were on display in the Samsung booth at BlogHer.

I am pretty sure I literally swooned over the refrigerator with a Sodastream BUILT INTO the water dispenser.  WHY didn’t I think of that?!?  Chilled, sparkling water right out of the fridge – brilliant!  Plus, it has a “chef pan” you can store things on and take out that can go directly into your oven.  I think the people at Samsung have thought of it all.  Smarties…


Oh, but there’s more!

The Samsung Chef Collection oven has one large compartment but with the insertion of a special tray, you automatically have TWO ovens in one and can bake one thing at one temperature and another at another temperature, in the SAME oven.  Mind. Blown.  (this will work especially well with my sweet potato fries/chicken nugget nights when one is 425 degrees and the other is 375 – do not ask why I have this memorized). 


And then there was the dishwasher (remember, one of my BFF appliances) with the extra rack in the top.  It holds all the big utensils that we never really know where to put, the ones that are way too tall for the fork and spoon holders – you know, like spatulas and whisks, etc.  May seem like a small idea but SO useful, right?!  I want one (see below).


I was literally in appliance heaven.  I didn’t really want to leave the booth…  The ladies that worked there were so friendly and I even brought my friends back to see how cool the collection is.



I’m a great friend like that.


I am also still dreaming about this washer/dryer combo (that holds TWO king-sized comforters!!) My wash would practically do itself, right? (wouldn’t that be nice)


If you are on the hunt for any new appliance I would say check out Samsung  ASAP! (we are huge fans around here, especially of the t.v.s and tablets).  I was pretty blown away by all the great ideas and new technology they have incorporated into their appliances and even though I am not currently in the market for anything new right now, as soon as I am I will be looking to them first!


Which appliance above would be on your short list to buy first?


*This is sponsored post through Mom Central/BSM Media.   I received compensation in exchange for writing this review.  All opinions are my own.


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