Last week I wrote about my son. The one that keeps me on my toes the most. The one that exhausts me, both in good and not-so-good ways. The one whose face is so cute that it’s hard to resist.
And then the other day while in Target, this happened…
On occasion we go to Target while The B Man is at church school. After we drop him off, me and G and K have an hour of “free time”. Most of the time we just stay on the church playground and play with our friends whose siblings also have church school but some days we hit up Target {specifically the dollar spot or the Lego aisle – you know if you’re looking for us…}
Anyway, this last time G was bugging me ALL day to go while B was in school. He wanted SO badly to buy his own Lego set with his own money (which happens to be tons of change he’s pilfered from around the house, but hey his Dad leaves it laying around, so finders/keepers, yes?!) So, I acquiesced and we made a speedy run over to the Tar-jay.
I decided to make the most of the trip and grab a couple of other things we needed. Meanwhile G and K made their way FULL SPEED AHEAD down the aisle that runs perpendicular to the toy aisles. And because I did not come at once, the entire store gets to hear G say, “Mommy, you need to come over here RIGHT. NOW!!!”
Including some of our friends (who of course were in the store at the same time…), whose 8 year old son says to her (she tells me this as I am passing by) “He shouldn’t talk to his Mom that way.”
Welcome to my life.
(p.s. these are pretty good friends of ours and she and I were both just laughing about it)
But in the same breath, and as I am chasing my children through the store, I hear a young woman say, “….blah, blah… will never have my kids running a muck in Target… like some people…blah, blah”
I SO badly wanted to tap her on the shoulder and say, “OH Honey, your day will come. Trust me.”
And I now plan to send up a daily prayer that she one day gives birth to a child (or four) much like my Gavin.
He’s really cute.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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