I went to the gym tonight because I wanted to try to cancel out the dessert I already knew I wanted to eat… oh….like yesterday. Oh and because exercising is FUN! WHEE! (just a hint a sarcasm there)
And I did pretty good. I ran a total of 10 minutes, in five two-minute stretches and walked pretty fast the rest of the time.
During the last 2 minutes of running a familiar song came on the ole shuffle. See, the hubs downloaded a new set of songs for me a few weeks ago when I decided to really start back with the fitness regimen. He knows what I like. He seems to have known since day one. One of the MANY reasons we are together. He’s my own personal D.J. Yeah, he rocks.
Anyway, as I pushed through those last minutes, memories began to flood my mind of the time in my life when this song, and the artists who wrote and performed it, were a really big deal to me.
I flashed back to one of their concerts in which we went with a group of friends and one of our girlfriends was basically tone deaf and singing next to me as loudly as she possibly could. My ears were hurting but my heart was beaming with how much fun she was having and how much joy this music (and a couple of beers) could bring.
And I thought about how I was listening to their music so much as I was falling in love with my true love. The one who put the song on my ipod. Such good memories.
These guys are really good. I was thinking they were probably not performing anymore but then I got on You Tube and guess what! I found some videos of them still doing their thing! God Bless the internets. Their music is still awesome. It seriously defined much of my college experience and if my roommate Corrie and I got together tomorrow we’d still be able to harmonize to “Three of Us in A Boat” by Jackopierce. (that’s a link to their really awesome website too.)
Thanks guys, for getting me through the last part of my run. I would still follow you around and go to all your concerts if it was 1996 again and I didn’t have three kids and a very different life now.
Just sayin’.
Music has such a powerful connection to time, for me. It always brings me back.
I was just downloading new songs to my iPod last night. I think I will start working out again soon so I needed to update my running music. Luck to us both!
Good job on the running! You are inspiring me!
my Ipod and music is what makes me enjoy my workouts, hubs over here would have no clue what to download though, I’d end up with some alternative stuff!
Great work on hittin the gym, you are inspiring many!
Love it! They are awesome. I need to check out their newer stuff.
Yeah 1996. Hmmmm. I was in my 20s and engaged to my husband and still went out to see live music quite a bit!
Love it! Music is the only thing that gets me through my runs too….just kinda keeps the legs going! I am training for a half marathon in april…i’m gonna have to add that song to my list…they rock!..by the way I joined the sisterhood of the shrinkin pants…thanks for the inspiration!
Love Jackopierce! I had totally forgotten about them but I’m adding them to my playlist now.
Oh, we LOVED Jackopierce – went to a few concerts in Austin….Good times!
My hubby bought me an ipod touch. I’m planning on using it more when I start running. But it has to get nicer first.
Awesome to hear about your running.
Music is such a wonderful thing. I love how when certain sings come on a whole ocean of memories seems to come washing over me.
I’ve never heard of this band, but they seem pretty cool…thanks for sharing.
That’s a sweet story.
I find that a good song makes all the difference to my workout.
Aaaahhh! I love when that happens. I have a few select songs that just take me back
Yea for your sweet hubby helping take you back.