*Swish, Swish*…. Excuse me while I brush the dust off of this thing…….

I failed to write here yesterday, but I would like to try to blog every other day this month. You know, for good ole NaBloPoMo.

Today I want to tell you about something really interesting.

My Life.

Ha ha ha… that’s what this space is for, right?

Right now in my life, I am waiting to marry the true love of my life. I just found out this week that we can remarry in the Catholic church.

Right now in my life I am single-momming pretty hard core.

Right now in my life I am struggling (as is he) with an unmotivated, hormonal teenage boy.

Right now in my life, I have a great new job, but it is taxing on me at times, mostly for scheduling purposes.

Right now in my life, I let my daughter sleep in my bed with me sometimes because it makes us both feel better.

Right now in my life, I waffle between being so thankful for all that I have and being exhausted and wanting to just stay in bed all day.

Right now in my life, I want to let the past go completely and move on in a positive, authentic way.

Right now in my life, I’d give anything to lose some weight while still eating Kit Kats.

Right now in my life, I wish the laundry would do itself (that’s been a lot of my life, actually).

Right now in my life, I marvel at all the wonderful people I know and love and who love me back.

Right now in my life, I count myself spoiled beyond measure, compared to so many others out there who are hurting.

Right now in my life, I just want a nap.

Right NOW, I do not want to forget how far I have come and how much I adore my fiancé and these kids that still mostly want to be around me.

Right now.


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