I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day. Ours was pretty good.
Tim made some of his famous barbeque (well it’s famous with our family and close friends anyway…) and we hung out playing the Wii and well, eating… My friend Claudia made some fantastic banana pudding and I want to thank her for leaving the leftovers. She’s a good friend like that.
In regards to the true meaning of the holiday I wanted to share an experience we had at the airport in Lafayette as we were getting off of the plane and coming into the terminal (which ONLY has 4 gates by the way, yes FOUR).
See this airport is SO small that you can actually see your loved ones coming into the terminal from the walkway from the plane and the only thing serparating those deplaning and their family or friends is a big plate of glass.
Anyway, we had a young soldier on board with us and because he came off of the plane right behind us, his loved ones could see him as we entered the terminal in front of him. Then we heard this HUGE cheer and hands went up and we were like “What the Hell?” Once we realized all the fanfare was for him we moved out of the way so he could get to his entourage because I could only imagine how long they had waited to hug or kiss him again. And well, he’s serving our country, so please, before me…
Since he was now in front of us I was able to witness his mother making her way through the crowd and attacking him with her loving hugs and kisses.
And then, the waterworks started because ALL I could think about was what if that was one of my boys that I hadn’t seen in weeks or even months or years…
And I couldn’t stop crying because I was so overwhelmed. Next, I watched as his “buddies” (guy pals), like 5 or 6 of them, pummeled him with hugs and big-handed slaps on the back. It was so wonderful. And yes, more tears, for me anyway.
After watching this reunion of course my heart exploded and my mind wandered to how lucky we are to have people like him fighting for our freedoms. Dying for them even. And for all of those men and women that have done the same in the past. So, I do hope you had a good Memorial Day and also took, or will take, a moment to reflect on this. Just a friendly suggestion of course… : )
Reading this made me cry.
What a great moment for you to have witnessed. 
I’m teary just reading about it. I’m sure I would have had streams tears if I were there, too.
Definitely makes you want to take a moment to reflect and remember everyone fighting for us. Then and now.
This made me cry reading it. What a wonderful moment to be part of.
Wow. That is amazing you got to witness that! Gosh, there aren’t even words! What a perfect memorial day moment!
Oh my God, that made me cry and I truly almost choked on my melba toast. I was totally imagining how that must have felt for the mom. Imagine the worry as a mom to have your son fighting for your country somewhere far, far away from you? I would just die!
My once done up face is now running down my neck! That is such a sweet memorial day moment. thanks for sharing.
Wow. What a moment to experience. We all say we appreciate all they sacrifice, but seeing something like that – really brings it home!!!
P.S. Our bbq ended up not happening yesterday. Whaaa. I want brisket!
Totally beautiful, I would have been a wreck too. I am always moved by the sacrifice of the families left behind as well as the soldiers.
Crying over here too, what a great thing to witness. They are true heros, each and every one.
Oh I tell you what. Whenever I came home from being gone on the ship (before my family) I would watch all the families meet up with their loved ones. It still makes me cry.
Now when I come home at the end of the day. My fanfair may be a bit smaller. But it’s enough to keep me going. It’s a great feeling!
Crying those tears is okay. It makes people like them know that you care for them!
What a great post! Thanks for sharing that awesome moment!
If only we could all witness such a thing…how wonderful!!
God Bless that young man!