It seems as if Christmas cannot come soon enough for my kids.

Last night Tim and I stayed up to finally wrap several gifts and when the children awoke in the morning and saw them under the tree they about lost it.  And wanted it to be Christmas Eve TODAY.  Now.  This minute.

It is not.  Thank goodness.

Waiting is SOHARD when you are a kid.

I know. I remember.

It’s also hard when you are an adult.  I am waiting on some things right now too and I wish they would just HAPPENALREADY.  But some are out of my control and some I know will happen at a better, later time.

But that does not necessarily make the waiting any easier.

In the meantime, before any and all surprises are to be revealed we are doing our best to keep ourselves busy in other ways.

Even though waiting can be SUPER hard, it can also be fun too.
















P.S. Don’t forget that Old School Blogging, the Holiday edition, is still going on this entire week and you can link up any time! 


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