The year 2016 will bring about much change for me personally. Some of you know why and others reading this new post (finally!) may not. I am sorry to be cryptic but I am sure most of you can read between the lines. I will talk about what is really going on with me sometime soon because I HAVE to. For me. For moving on.
Though I have been on a bit of a break from this space and most other places online and in social media, I have not lost the fire to create and write and dream. I have also not lost the forever-filling-up email inbox. I don’t think that ever goes away. 😉
The other morning I got an email from Artifact Uprising. They make beautiful products from photos (btw, I was not paid to say that. I have not been “paid” to blog in a while…). I have only made one photobook with them from a contest I won, however I am continually inspired by their messages and their IG account.
This particular email had extra special meaning for me because it listed things to resolve to do in the coming new year. I have never been really big on making resolutions per say. January 1 is a great day to get started with changing the way we think or do things but in my mind, so is a random day like August 28th or May 10th. However, the timing is quite perfect for me at this point in my life and the words struck me because they are things I NEED to do, not just things I want to do.
In addition, they are all attainable.
Learn something new This makes me think of that saying, “You learn something new everyday!” I don’t think that is actually true for me, but maybe it is and I just do not realize it.
Tell important stories It has been too long since I’ve done this, at least here… I believe in this with my whole heart, as someone who takes the past seriously, for forming our future. And my story is evolving a lot, right now.
See the world This is one of my very favorite things to do. I may not have the means to see ALL of the world but I hope to see some corners of it that I have not visited in a while or ever.
Make room for pause For me this means taking time to reflect on my life and where I want it to go. But it also means not to take the people and good things in my life for granted and to cherish the moments while in the midst of them.
Seek shared experiences This relates to the one above, as I want to share them with those who mean most to me and who I love.
Record the journey Another one of my favorite things to do, through both photos and writing. There’s a balance though. I want to also just record it in my head sometimes…
Live a life that matters WOAH. That’s a tall order right there. I’m going to do my best…
The only other one I would add to this list is…
Be Me It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to be my authentic self, for various reasons. I am looking forward to doing that now.
The definition of resolve is this: v: (1) settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter). 2. decide firmly on a course of action.
Step 1 of that definition has already been put in place. So has 2, in a way, but it’s the “firmly” part that I am struggling with.
No matter what, I resolve to make this next year better than the last because well, 2015 wasn’t all that great. Yes, it had it’s good moments but the last few months have been some of the hardest of my life.
This quote was in a daily reading book that I have and goes along with everything above…
“Make a list of behaviors or attitudes you would like to change. Then, commend them to God, asking for strength. In him you can do it! Make today the beginning of a new life.”
I am planning on it.
Happy New Year!
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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