Staying busy is good for me, especially when it involves time with cherished family and friends. Thankfully, I have been able to spend quite a bit of time with both lately, and most recently my family. During the middle of March my parents came for their first visit here in a year! They were supposed to come last Fall but then my Dad had open heart surgery (surprise!) and shortly thereafter we all know my life took quite a turn so yeah… apparently time flies even when you are NOT always having fun. 😉
About the time they were here, Spring Sprung.
The following weekend my nieces and nephews (one by marriage) came into town and I drove to New Orleans with all the crazy kids. Talk about great! I mean, they are now old enough to drink adult beverages with me! Which completely blows my mind. But instead of making me feel “old”, it made me feel young again. Yeah, I’m totally going with that! It was pretty surreal sitting at Pat O’brien’s with the “kids” I used to drive home from college to hug and kiss and babysit. Thankfully my niece Megan, The Planner, had a great 24 hours (or less) figured out for us and we consumed some darn good food and enjoyed ourselves as much as we could in such a short time.
Megan snuck this pick of me while I was looking out the hotel room window. I pretty much love her for that. And for making me belly laugh that night in our hotel room over Snapchat. She’s also my Goddaughter and I’m pretty sure I know why God put her in my life. 🙂
Next, the kids and I made it to Austin just in time for Jesus’ resurrection. 🙂 (Okay, a day and half before, but whatever). Because the kids’ spring break is also always Easter break, we got to stay a couple of extra days and even visit the state capitol building, per Ben’s request (see photos below). That was fun! It had been a while since I had been there. Such an amazing building and grounds!
On the way into town we had to stop and take photos in the bluebonnets, it’s tradition.
My parents’ neighborhood always has an Easter egg “scramble” (as I call it) on Easter Saturday, right across the street from their house. Another tradition the kids love. This year the local church put it on and there was even free pizza. But all they really cared about were the eggs!
It was also my birthday and I requested some photos and they obliged. And I dragged Katie along with me to get some special birthday cupcakes.
We went to mass on Sunday morning with my parents and it was nice to be back in the church where I was raised. I love that I can take my kids there still.
There was an Easter egg hunt (I took no pics) and we had a great time at the park, playing a cousin (and aunt) soccer game.
Also, we decided to line the grandkids up the same way we did 5 years ago for an Easter Sunday photo. Since they have grown up QUITE a bit and one of them even got married since! 🙂
We also celebrated three birthdays in the family – mine, Ben’s which was last Saturday (HE’S TWELVE NOW) and my niece’s husband Daniel’s, which was also at the end of March.
I was blessed to celebrate with my family and my kiddos, and on Easter weekend at that!
On Monday we headed to the state capitol. The kids were pretty impressed and I was re-impressed, since I had not been in such a long time! My brother Larry works for the state, in a building near the capitol, so he advised us on parking. I had forgotten how awesome the rotunda is.
When I was a child I always thought the staircases were so amazing so I made my kids go up and down them a few times. They wanted to hang out inside the senate chamber for quite a while, even made themselves at home a bit…
Austin really is a great city for many reasons, including the fact that it’s the capital of my home state. Maybe some day we can go back (to live)…
And yeah, I am now 41. It’s all good though. Thankfully, I also have wonderful friends who celebrated with me once I came back to my second home, here in Louisiana. 🙂 And I know they are good friends because they let me eat that entire chocolate dessert myself.
So that is what I have been up to. I would also like to note that it took me over a week to compile this post. Please, no standing ovations necessary.
*when I say “recently,” obviously I mean in the last month or so…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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