Two words… Pizza Delivery…
Brought to the door by a friendly man waiting to take our money – that’s another reason why I love my husband.
Silly you say? Not when you’ve been stressing over what the family is going to eat that night and your husband has been at work all day (again) and you have to sing at church that evening and you car is out of gas and it’s cold outside and you haven’t been to the grocery store for non-holiday related food in a while. (Sorry for the horrible run-on sentence but sometimes it just has to be done, for effect of course.)
We rarely order pizza out anymore (we just eat the frozen section kind) but last night my husband had the foresight to know that that was exactly what had to be done – call Papa John’s and tell them to bring us the goods. God bless him. He’s a keeper, I tell ‘ya.
Hi Elaine,
Ahhh yes…delivery pizza! Such a good solution to a hectic day!
So glad you had a nice Christmas! I loved looking at your pictures – the boys are adorable.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for taking my Christmas tour of homes. Your sweet comment was very much appreciated!
Have a wonderful week and God Bless!
He sounds like a keeper…Gotta slice left for a fellow blogger?;)
Hi Elaine,
I thought you might like to see a survery done regarding women bloggers, esp. mom. Here’s the link:
Yup, he’s a keeper!
Oh I love him too! That is just the sweetest. Oh, and that was one of the most required run-on sentences…ever.
Thanks for linking today!
Absolutely! Any man that can bring home the pizza is a keeper.
Awww! So sweeet!
Ahh the advantages of marrying your brother
(you told me you guys looked like siblings once, big mistake)
Pizza is a soar subject around these parts. I prefer Papa Johns the rest are pro pizza hut. sigh
So sweet and thoughtful.
Take out pizza = love in my book. Yep, he’s a keeper!