I wasn’t even going to bring this up but well, we are off to the doctor today and after reading A LOT in the last couple of days I am pretty freaked out. Both boys are required to get some shots today. Both boys are my heart and soul and I would never want to intentionally harm them OR expose them to disease. But apparently BOTH things can be harmful to my boys, including today’s current vaccines.
I have never questioned the vaccines that The B Man received, ever. I was a brand new mom and was told that is what you do from literally, day one. Yes I wince every time and now that he is older he knows what is going to happen and it breaks my heart to see him scared of the needle. But now it’s not the insertion of the needle that scares me so much as what is in it.
I could throw out a million terms I have read like Thimerosal and Aluminum Hydroxide and mitochondrial disorder. But I am no scientist or doctor and well it makes my head spin. I am just a mother trying to do the best for her children. Trying to keep them healthy and well. To me, it’s just no fair that I have to sit here and debate whether or not to vaccinate my children. It should be a no-brainer. It SHOULD be safe.
Neither of my children have had adverse reactions to their vaccinations and for that I have to be grateful. But again, I shouldn’t have to worry about it, you know?
So, if this is a current debate in your mind and you feel the need to research the issue further, I found this link, which is pretty thorough and there are thousands of websites/blogs devoted to this. But beware this particular article WILL make you question the current system and the contents of our country’s vaccines. It is one-sided and doesn’t have a problem with that.
I see the need for change and therefore signed a petition last night for our government to make changes for the sake of our children. (I cannot for the life of me find the link now, otherwise I would most certainly send you there).
Today is going to be a hard day for me and my boys. Ultimately Tim and I have decided to continue with the vaccinations but I AM going to have several questions for their pediatrician today and we will more than likely elect to space the shots out more and even hold off on some.
I really hate that I have to be in this positioin. One of confusion and dismay over what is best for my boys. It’s just not right.
What are your thoughts? Please weigh in because I NEED to know.
Hope you all have a better day than us. : )
We just got back from the doctor and after all the drama (OMG you would think I have girls!) Little G is passed out asleep and The B Man is playing with his reward train.
The boys are healthy and growing well. Little G weight exactly 21 lbs. (not sure what percentile that is, my doc never goes into that) and The B Man weighs a little over 35.
There were vaccines today, although I decided to hold off on the MMR for G and the Chicken Pox for B. I was SO relieved that our doctor was very open to my questions and my decision to delay some of them. We talked about mercury (which he claims is non longer in any of the vaccines that they use) and Austim and seizures and I as pretty satisfied with his responses to my concerns.
I wanted to address Kathyrn’s comment and say that my doctor said the same thing about Austim that your SIL did – that it begins to rear it’s ugly head quite early and therefore they don’t believe that there is a vaccine c0nnection. But still children begin getting immunized at 2 months so couldn’t there still be a connection? I just don’t get it!
Anyway, I am just relieved it is over for today. I am also glad that I felt like I had a little more control of the situation and that my doctor was open to the conversation and the change of schedule.
Oh and The B Man apparently has my terrible eyesight. They gave me the card for a pediatric opthamologist after they tested his eyes. He was 20/40 in one and 20/50 (!) in the other! I guess I should have known since like 90% of the people in our families have eyesight issues!! Then of course I am like “Oh, maybe that is why he doesn’t always see things when I point them out!” It never ends, does it?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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