I wasn’t even going to bring this up but well, we are off to the doctor today and after reading A LOT in the last couple of days I am pretty freaked out. Both boys are required to get some shots today. Both boys are my heart and soul and I would never want to intentionally harm them OR expose them to disease. But apparently BOTH things can be harmful to my boys, including today’s current vaccines.
I have never questioned the vaccines that The B Man received, ever. I was a brand new mom and was told that is what you do from literally, day one. Yes I wince every time and now that he is older he knows what is going to happen and it breaks my heart to see him scared of the needle. But now it’s not the insertion of the needle that scares me so much as what is in it.
I could throw out a million terms I have read like Thimerosal and Aluminum Hydroxide and mitochondrial disorder. But I am no scientist or doctor and well it makes my head spin. I am just a mother trying to do the best for her children. Trying to keep them healthy and well. To me, it’s just no fair that I have to sit here and debate whether or not to vaccinate my children. It should be a no-brainer. It SHOULD be safe.
Neither of my children have had adverse reactions to their vaccinations and for that I have to be grateful. But again, I shouldn’t have to worry about it, you know?
So, if this is a current debate in your mind and you feel the need to research the issue further, I found this link, which is pretty thorough and there are thousands of websites/blogs devoted to this. But beware this particular article WILL make you question the current system and the contents of our country’s vaccines. It is one-sided and doesn’t have a problem with that.
I see the need for change and therefore signed a petition last night for our government to make changes for the sake of our children. (I cannot for the life of me find the link now, otherwise I would most certainly send you there).
Today is going to be a hard day for me and my boys. Ultimately Tim and I have decided to continue with the vaccinations but I AM going to have several questions for their pediatrician today and we will more than likely elect to space the shots out more and even hold off on some.
I really hate that I have to be in this positioin. One of confusion and dismay over what is best for my boys. It’s just not right.
What are your thoughts? Please weigh in because I NEED to know.
Hope you all have a better day than us. : )
We just got back from the doctor and after all the drama (OMG you would think I have girls!) Little G is passed out asleep and The B Man is playing with his reward train.
The boys are healthy and growing well. Little G weight exactly 21 lbs. (not sure what percentile that is, my doc never goes into that) and The B Man weighs a little over 35.
There were vaccines today, although I decided to hold off on the MMR for G and the Chicken Pox for B. I was SO relieved that our doctor was very open to my questions and my decision to delay some of them. We talked about mercury (which he claims is non longer in any of the vaccines that they use) and Austim and seizures and I as pretty satisfied with his responses to my concerns.
I wanted to address Kathyrn’s comment and say that my doctor said the same thing about Austim that your SIL did – that it begins to rear it’s ugly head quite early and therefore they don’t believe that there is a vaccine c0nnection. But still children begin getting immunized at 2 months so couldn’t there still be a connection? I just don’t get it!
Anyway, I am just relieved it is over for today. I am also glad that I felt like I had a little more control of the situation and that my doctor was open to the conversation and the change of schedule.
Oh and The B Man apparently has my terrible eyesight. They gave me the card for a pediatric opthamologist after they tested his eyes. He was 20/40 in one and 20/50 (!) in the other! I guess I should have known since like 90% of the people in our families have eyesight issues!! Then of course I am like “Oh, maybe that is why he doesn’t always see things when I point them out!” It never ends, does it?
Laura B. says
As I’ve been trying to conceive, thoughts of whether to vaccinate or not have been on my mind. It is sad that as a parent you have to question the safety of something that is supposed to be completely safe in it’s ability to protect your children. I honestly don’t know where I stand – but I do understand well your struggle. Also, I love your layout!
Natalie says
I am soooooo with you!!! I can’t wait to hear what your final decision is for little G’s shots. We have delayed James’ 1 yr shots until July to give us more time to do research. We have decided to continue with the vaccines but are considering delaying some. ugh. I’m with you, this SHOULD be safe!
Jaimee says
I am right there with you on this one! I went back and forth for a while, particularly one the MMR with my oldest and ended up waiting on this one. I kinda had to “fight” with my pediatrician over it, but she did end up respecting my position even though she didn’t agree. I do have a science based background and know how studies showing things as “safe” are easily skewed and that makes me even more scared to trust the system.
I got a book in November by Dr. Sears on Vaccines – I think it is called “The Vaccine Book” which I really love. It goes over the pros and cons of each vaccine and how they are made. Helped me to make my decisions.
My Goodness says
My kids haven’t had any adverse reactions either. We vaccinated our daughter, just about, by the book. My son, that’s where I got lazy. He’s the 2nd child and by then, I was just happy that we didn’t NEED to go to the Dr. all the time…therefore, his vaccines were delayed. Maybe he was in ‘danger’ during that time, but it did make me feel better knowing that his body wasn’t so little and maybe he could better handle the vaccines anyway.
Best wishes today…and here’s to the post-shot Tylenol dose!
beth says
First, let me say I just found your blog and it is so, so pretty.
Regarding vaccines, I am clearly no expert, but I had both my kids vaccinated. They are both very healthy and had no adverse reactions.
I think vaccines are one of the most amazing advances in modern medicine and I am thankful that I do not have to live in fear of loosing my babies to things like small pox.
Kathryn says
Well, I am all for vaccines. But I am also for the FDA looking in to ways to make vaccines safer for all kids. There is some pretty dangerous stuff in some of them and I think some kids are less able to handle it than others. More research needs to be done.
That said, I know that so many parents who have children with autism swear there is a direct link to the vaccines and that should be looked into as well. My sis-in-law has worked with children with autism (she is a psychiatrist) for 14 years and says that the warning signs can go back to 8 or 9 months. So the vaccine thing isn’t really what triggers it. I don’t know.
I still believe the positives of vaccines far outweigh the negatives. Still it would be nice if the FDA put forth more of an effort to research it.
Good luck!
TheAngelForever says
I can not wait to hear what your doctor had to say about delaying things.
As you know, I just had my little guy’s 1 year appointment. I went in knowing that according to the CDC he needed up to four shots between 12-15 months. Going there I had my mind set on only one being done, we did two (slightly large mistake). JSL had a reaction to the one shot and it now backs up my desire to push off the MMR longer than I had wanted to.
I fully believe in immunizing children, but after going “by the book” with my oldest I am more into spreading things out now.
What also bothers me is our state is now trying to push a bill through for mandatory immunization of ALL children that attend schools. They will not allow delaying items, even in children. I am extremely disturbed by this because medical professionals should be able to say if a child’s vaccine schedule needs to be stretched out over a longer period of time.m
Stacy says
I totally believe in vaccinations for the kids. All of my kids have been vaccinated on the schedule suggested by their doctor. I’ll be doing the same with Layla. In fact, I’m taking her on Monday to get her shots.
mom of 2 says
I have to comment about your son needing glasses. My son has worn glasses (and now contacts) since he was 4 years old. He has a hereditary eye condition that another child in our family has. We both go to Dr. George Beauchamp in Grapevine and he is absolutely wonderful! He is a pediatric opthalmologist and is so thorough and is great with the kids. Just fyi, in case the dr. they recommended isn’t on your insurance or something like that. Good luck!!
E and T says
Hi Elaine
To vaccinate or not, that is the question. From what I can tell our schedule here in Australia seems different to yours. Like you, we spoke at length with our paeditrician and doctor and in the end we decided to vaccinate.
Information needs to be provided to parents so that they can make informed decisions and are aware of what is involved.
Kami says
Elaine, you raise a very interesting topic here. The Autism link is very weak at best and from what I understand the concern is only over one of the immunizations given later… about 18 months here in Canada. The shots at 2, 4 and 6 months are different. I have a cousin who is Autistic and he was exhibiting signs a lot sooner than 18 months.
I am not aware of any other risks, I am sure there are some. I look at it this way… the diseases we are immunizing them from are far worse than any possible side effect.. the side effects are like 1% or less…. If no body immunized I think we would have far bigger problems but that’s my humble opinion.
Christina says
Nadia and I spent half the day playing doctor, giving each other shots. :o)
Motherhood is darn hard, isn’t it? I agree, this should NOT be something we have to debate and agonize over. Immunizations are there for our kids safety, and it’s a pity they are not entirely safe. I do have my concerns, but we’re immunized N according to schedule.
From what I’ve read/heard, the link between shots & autism is weak, and in most cases there were other risk factors as well. Mercury is being/has been phased out.
In my mind, the risk of having her NOT immunized in a society that’s ill-equipped to deal with such diseases is greater than the statistically small risk of complications.
Tranny Head says
You know . . . I have the same fear of vaccines for my baby. But I decided it was an irrational fear . . . I know they don’t use mercury in the vaccines anymore (except the flu vaccine). Though that isn’t going to stop me from asking the pediatrician to space them out as much as possible. I’m really convinced the rise in autism has to do with the rise in parental age and the rise in diagnosis of autism more than having anythng to do with vaccines. But I’d rather be safer than sorry!
Kristen says
Seriously it is never ending isn’t it?
But, it sounds to me that both the B and G men have a Mama who LOVES them very much and only wants what is best for them. As I see it, they are both very lucky to have such a wonderful Mama!
Happy weekend friend, I hope it is relaxing! 🙂
Kellan says
You are a smart mom to do your research and be concerned – it sounds like you handled today’s visit perfectly!!
Take care and have a good weekend – Kellan
Crazy Daisy says
it is great to hear you doctor was okay with your questions and that you had a good visit!
Adventures In Babywearing says
Elaine, I think it so wonderful that you are going about this at just the right pace for you and asking questions- how awesome your doctor was receptive for you! That has to be a relief.
I do have to say that unfortunately there are small traces of thimerosal still in vaccines, even when doctors may say the mercury is completely out. Just something to be aware of! I really hope that the voices of parents are being heard loud and clear and those vaccines get cleaned up for good!
Lisa says
My younger daughter did have a serious reaction at 8 weeks so we have been on a delayed schedule for her and all the rest (and skipping vax like chicken pox which they have now already caught so we don’t need anyway!). Email me if you ever want a copy of the schedule–we get vax for all the deadly ones first and work our way down. My four year old was due for the first MMR (the one you get at age one) but our doctor (knowing our history) wants us to get them done separately because of the reaction history.
Good for you for looking into to it–I’m glad your doctor was receptive on your thoughts!
Jill@Who Could Ask for Anything More says
I’m a believer in vaccines but also believe they can be spread out, and I did exactly as you did and asked the pediatrician if the “window” for giving them is longer than what is usually done and there most certainly is. I think right now the big debate with the autism link is that so many are given at one time. Good for you for asking the questions and doing the research.
Laski says
I’m bummed I missed weighing in on this earlier–BUT, you got some great advice.
I was FIRED by my pediatrician for merely raising questions about vaccines. I told her that I would get them, but that I just needed more information and thus, a little more time to consider my options. She refused to treat J if I did not get him vaccinated. So, off I went to find another doctor.
I ultimately decided as you did–spacing them out. And not just for the possible autism connection (for which I feel the evidence is weak at best), but for the overall impact on his little body.
I’m glad to hear your little guys are doing well–you are one awesome mom for staying on top of this . . .
The Powell Family says
Funny-I just blogged about this. The nurse walked in with 5 shots, plus oe oral for my little 8 week old Taylor. I put off two of them…
Purple Teacup says
Wow, ok just tolerate me for a minute. One day I will have to put this on my blog- but my oldest son was on the autism spectrum (he did not outgrow it, we have done alternative therapies) and now my middle child is. There is no doubt in my mind or in my mother’s heart that the vaccinations caused it. Our youngest son has received no vaccines due to all the research & praying I did on the matter. I get so pissed when people take their doctor’s word as if they were God. I didn’t know any better with my first, but with my middle son we didn’t stop until 6 months. The government does not care, they know what is going on and it is a part if a much bigger & uglier picture. If you want to talk about it more, let me know. I signed the waiver in TX so we wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore. They are putting things in there that don’t have to be in there…..there is proof out there, you just have to dig hard to find it. My youngest has been the healthiest, and there are days I just grieve over the damage done to my other two.
Bren says
Looks like you’ve gotten a lot of great answers already. Personally, I’m all for vaccines. I figure the risk of not getting them is greater than the risk involved in getting them.
Lisa says
Wow, what an explosive subject. OK, here’s my two cents…I am HAPPY that someone has come up with vaccines for all these deadly diseases. I am NOT HAPPY that someone has decided that I MUST have my children injected with these said “disease enders”. I should be able to decide if and/or when my children should have them. Sure, there should be a guideline for people who will get them regardless, but for those of us who question, let us do it our way. It is our body or at the very least a body that WE are responsible for. We are capable of making intelligent choices and finding information out for ourselves.
OK, that’s my two cents.
Mighty Morphin' Mama says
Such a hard subject. I have immunized all of my children. I delayed them for my last 2 kids, my third child was very small, so I wanted his weight up before we went ahead.
So far we haven’t had any adverse effects, but they do happen. A very close family friend’s little girl is now severely handicapped, but was born completely normal. The only thing the doctors can find to attribute it to is the immunizations. That is freaking scary to me. We need to lobby for safer vaccines.
Monica says
Hi Elaine,
I just wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you for referencing my site for further vaccine research 🙂
It’s a very difficult topic,and I’m so happy that we are discussing this more openly between parents.
It’s a personal decision, and so I hope we can inspire parents to truly choose for themselves. It was a decision that weighed very heavily on me and it’s not necessarily any easier to make the decision after reading both sides.
Thanks again, you have a beautiful family and a very nice blog!
Jenn says
I’ve been reading “The Vaccine Book” by Dr Sears. It is very informative and he provides a suggested delayed vaccination schedule at the end. My 27 month old has not had his 18 month vaccines yet. I’m still doing my research but will likely just have them spread out. It’s a tough (and sensitive) topic!