Do you remember that movie? It was a classic 90’s movie, complete with Winona Ryder.
Also, it came out 20 years ago. Let the feeling-old feelings commence.
Reality does kind of bite right now though, mostly because of this. And just a little because Tim and I recently returned to reality, after an amazing time in Key West.
(MAJOR shout-out to my MIL and my BIL for hanging out with our three monkeys while we took in some ocean time)
This trip was planned a while ago and this was our first real vacation by ourselves in about 2.5 years. It was much needed for both of us and the time away was truly divine.
We had never been to Key West before but we decided this will most certainly not be our last trip. This small island is packed with things to do and see. Blue Heaven makes THE best Eggs Benedict EVER. The roosters and chickens are walking around you while you eat so I assume it has something to do with the freshness of the eggs.
Plus, riding around the whole island on a scooter together was a blast!
Adult-only pool time, a couple’s massage ON the beach, a jet ski tour, hammock lounging to the sound of the waves, plane aerobatics (for Tim, NOT me!), shopping and eating yummy food…
Turns out “island time” is my favorite time.
And so is time with just Tim and me together. Of course I love our family time too with the kids, but “getting away from it all” was just what we needed right now. You simply cannot put a price on time to reconnect and be together as a couple.
Anyway, I will let the photos tell the rest of the tale…
And to Tim: Thank you for whisking me away, my love.
The pictures are amazing!!!
Loukia recently posted…Ottawa’s Best Kept Shopping Secret
thank you, my friend!
OMG! I love Blue Heaven! John and I had the best breakfast there and they refilled our mimosas for free, if that’s not heaven I don’t know what is. There really is no place in the world like Key West, it’s so friendly and welcoming and “come as you are”. I just love it, it’s my happy place. So glad that you and Tim got to enjoy it and got a much needed get away.
I love the “come as you are” aspect as well. It really is a wonderful place…
I loooove the keys! now tell me, please!
where did you stay?? I want to go again but want to try a new spot in key west. Also, did you fly all the way down or drive?
Katie-LovesofLife recently posted…Spur of the moment.
Katie, we stayed at Casa Marina. It was awesome. And yes, we flew to the island.
Oh Elaine — what beautiful pictures. It looks like a little slice of heaven. So glad you guys got away. xoxoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…You Can Run A Marathon
It was kinda like Heaven. Or at least my idea of it anyway…
the pictures told a beautiful story (wow, your talent with a camera is undeniable) of relaxing and getting away.
Your smiles made me happy and just looking at these photos I felt my own heartbeat slow down, just a bit, for just a moment.
thinking of you, as always and so glad you got a rest when you needed one.
Kir recently posted…The 7 Ways My Husband Has Made Me a Better Mom
Oh Kir, thank you. So very much.
So beautiful. I love it there. Did you get to Hemingway’s house? I found it so fascinating.
Looks like you got in a ton of sightseeing.
So glad you were able to get away from reality for a while.
Continued prayers!
Kat recently posted…Something New
We did not make it to Hemingway’s place but we passed by several times. I hope to go next time!
And thank you, friend…
Oh my gosh, that looks DIVINE. I would love some island time! I’m making a mental note for our next vacation together (it might be in 2.5 years. heh). All of those pictures are amazing and I love that yellow dress!
Greta @gfunkified recently posted…David Gray Mutineers Album Review
You should definitely try Key West for a getaway with your man. It was so wonderful…
It’s okay for me to be slightly jealous, right? Because it looks amazing. And, we haven’t had a vacation together in oh, over 8 years!!!!!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…How to catch the ever-elusive sleep
Yes, it’s okay. But now you need to start planning your OWN getaway!
I feel more relaxed just by looking at all of your gorgeous photos. So happy you were able to get away!
Tonya recently posted…The Story Behind The Post
oooh, good!
And me too.
Ooh, that just looks like heaven on earth.
I’m so glad you got just-the-two-of-you-time.
Alison recently posted…Craft-Challenged
I think it might be…
And me too, thanks Alison!
Whatever that fish thing is, I want some of that. Now. Yum. I saw Tim’s photo in the plane on Facebook. He looked like he was having a blast and not at all ready to hurl, which is what my face would have looked like.
Jennifer recently posted…How well do you know my blog?
That was a grouper dish with coconut curry and veggies. It was REALLY good.
And yeah, that’s why Lainey did NOT go on the plane also…
These are very lovely photos! I would LOVE to get away from the kids for a night or two. I can’t remember the last time I had a real vacation! Sometimes a little time away from the ones we love makes us appreciate them even more.
KalleyC recently posted…Slow To Anger
I know it always helps me appreciate them more, for sure! Thank you!
You two are too cute! I love that you were able to get away, just the two of you. I need a vacation like that!
Andrea recently posted…Spam Loves My Blog
Yes. Yes, you do. ;D
It looks like you guys had great time! You are so right; every couple does need some “alone” time away from everything and everybody once in a while. It’s the best way to stay connected.
Kat recently posted…I’d rather be……
Reality Bites was TWENTY YEARS AGO?! How is that possible? *sigh*
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Key West! It’s beautiful and it looks like you guys had a blast! I love the chicken photo. I have a theory that every place worth going has chickens roaming around. It just DOES! We even found them on Maui. Enough said! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Pinterest Nightmare #334: Half Christmas
I know, 20 years. NUTS.
And yes, we had a great time! Chickens = awesome! ;D
Oh those photos are amazing! I’ve never been but now really want to go! Glad you got some lovely time away!
Tricia recently posted…Lovely little things, 21
Thank you! And yes, you should go. Such a wonderful place to visit.