I think Little G had a good birthday. Let’s review.
Trip to the park- check (didn’t take my camera – ugh!)
Cake after lunch – check
Cake after dinner – check (if you look closely you can see crumbs on his baby face!)
Presents – check
(should have picture here but hus decided to mess with computer last night and cannot get it. Don’t ask.)
Millions of birthday kisses – check
The “big” party is on Saturday in which I will have pics of the GIANT cupcake that will be Little G’s cake. YUM!
I love this magazine. This issue came in the mail today and the cover just got me. They do such a good job. I love magazines anyway, but this one is good.
I started picking up the house today since a lot of things were relocated during the kitchen re-do. And, because above mentioned party will have guests the house has to be clean. It’s amazing how good I feel when I start putting things where they actually go. Why can’t it just stay that way? Why, oh why?
The B Man has quit getting up in the middle of the night (knocking on wood) to let me know that he has to go or already has gone to the bathroom. Can I just say that I hope that phase is REALLY over? Please let it be over.
Does anyone really care about this season’s AI winner? I mean as far as I am concerned it has been a real snoozer this season. We haven’t even voted at all and last season we voted A LOT. Snore…
Must do some scrapbooking. Must.
Tim has been working less hours lately and it has been so nice to have him home more and “one time” (to quote The B Man). He even mowed the lawn and helped with dinner last night. He’s a good man (except when I can’t get to my pictures! Uh, did I bring that up again?)
I pose this question. When did 1 become the new 2? I mean my “baby” is climbing and crawling on everything. The B Man did NOT do this at this age. Today at the park G climbed all the way up the playscape thingy and wanted to go down the slide by himself. And I found him here the other day. How’d he get up there? I am in trouble, aren’t I?
There it is some randomeness for you. Have a great weekend everyone. Ours will be busy but fun!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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