Random Bloggy Stuff – UPDATED!

I like to make randoms lists on occasion, usually about my life. But this one is all about blogging. And no worries, it’s still quite random…

1. Lately I have been getting ACTUAL words under the word verification on some blogs when I comment.

Here are a few examples:

That last one is a word, right?

2. Last week I got some more Good Mail from Steph. Look at these cute note cards and paper with matching envelopes AND a yummy smelling Yankee Candle “housewarmer!” I’m completely inspired to write an ACTUAL, paper note to someone! : ) Thanks so much Steph!

3. I was thinking the other day about how in the past I was apt to confuse some bloggers with each other. You know, like how I confuse Susan Surandon and Sigorney Weaver? Yeah, kinda like that.

Here’s a little list of people I used to confuse for each other (Don’t worry, I’m all clear now…)

Steph @ Adventures in Babywearing and Oh Amanda (I think I thought you two sort of looked alike at first)

Chelle @ Creative Momma and Krystyn @ Really Are You Serious? (your blog coloration got me since it’s sort of the same… oh and maybe the fact that you both have cute little girls with the same name. yeah, that too.)

What Works for Us and Laski Gal @ From the Cheap Seats (don’t really remember why on this one…)

4 Little Men and Girly Twins (before the twins) and Momme and Her Boys (hey, you’re both named Brittany so cut me some slack on this one, k?)

Oh and AT FIRST I used to confuse Oh Mommy and McMommy because of their blog names. And they’re both pretty bloggy famous so you can understand my confusion, right?

4. Speaking of Oh Mommy she has her Oprah-like favorite things list up on her blog right now. I suggest you check it out. I garnered a couple of good ideas for gifts…(and there’s a givaway.)

5. Also, Jo-Lynne at Musings of Housewife just posted her holiday gift guide as well for even more ideas (and there might just be some giveaways…) I have yet to peruse it but you can be sure I will do so very soon.

6. Oh and did y’all get a glimpse over the weekend of the power of Moms on Twitter with the whole Motrin ad campaign thing? Wow! That was amazing! If you didn’t see the ad on their website (they’ve since taken it down) you can see it HERE and it caused quite a stir this weekend amongst us Mommy bloggers, that’s for sure! Here’s a video of many of the “tweets” on the subject (I’m actually in one snippet with a @elainea response from CrunchyGoddess) I say never underestimate the power of us moms. Seriously.

7. Oh and don’t forget to click on the “share the grub” button on my sidebar over there ——-> and go see my friend AFF and click away at her place as she gives her extra bloggy “dough” to a good cause this month. (and I bet you’ll never guess that there are some giveaways associated with this so go now…)

8. UPDATE! I came back to add that the lovely ladies of Ruby & Roja design are giving away a holiday blog design as well as a year’s worth of blog designs to TWO lucky winners. Click on the button below to go over and check this out – their designs are SO pretty! : )

lright, that’s all I got. Have a great Monday! : )


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